原文地址:中诗英释 施蛰存《意象抒情诗·银鱼》作者:zleooo
银鱼 the whitebait
施蛰存 by. Shi Zhe-cun
横陈在菜市上的银鱼, the silverfish, laid disorderly on the market
土耳其风的女浴场。 remind of a Turkish bath for harem
银鱼,堆成了柔白的床巾, the silver fish, piled up like a silken bed sheet
魅人的小眼睛从四面八方投过来。 their charming eyes dart at you from every direction
银鱼,初恋的少女, the silver fish, maidens in first love
连心都要坦露出来了。 nearly lay bare their innocent hearts
From [Imagist Lyrics]< Modern Time > No.2, Vol.1, June 1, 1932
土耳其风的女浴场 a Turkish bath for harem