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文/图 冰城馨子
1. Central Avenue
“If you haven’t been to Central Avenue, you can’t say that you’ve been to Harbin.” Central Avenue enjoys high status in the city. Many people think Harbin is westernized. Why? Just look at the European buildings along Central Avenue, and you will find the answer.
一. 中央大街:万国建筑博物馆
中央大街 Central
Avenue. [Photo / Bing
教育书店 Education Bookstore of Central Avenue. [Photo
/ Bing Chengxinzi]
Construction of Central Avenue began in 1896. In 1924, the avenue
was tiled by a Russian engineer named Kemutera Shock. It was built
with square stones, which cost one dollar each. At that time, a
dollar could support an ordinary Chinese citizen for a month.
Therefore, this 700-meter avenue could be called the “gold avenue”.
Citizens in Harbin like to call these stones bread stones. It is
also said that these stones share a lot of similarities with those
on Albart Street in Moscow.
pavement onCentral Avenue. [Photo / Bing
Walking on Central Avenue, you can feel the strong exotic atmosphere from the various styles and splendid buildings, even if you know nothing about western architecture styles. When I went to Europe, I said to my friends that everywhere looked like Central Avenue. It wasn’t until that moment did I understand the reason why Central Avenue is called World Architecture Exhibition.
views on Central Avenue. [Photo / Bing
2. Churches in Harbin—a kind of complex
If Central Avenue is the most famous place in Harbin, then St. Sophia Church Square must be the second. The church not only witnessed the time-honored history of this city, but it also embodies the romance of this young city.
二. 哈尔滨教堂:寄托一种情结
St. Sophia Church. [Photo / Bing Chengxinzi] |
St. Sophia Church is the best-preserved example of Byzantine architecture in China. It was built in 1923 and was once the biggest church made of brick and wood in the Far East. It is a combination of all kinds of architecture styles with a Russian dome and Roman clerestory.
St. Sophia
Church. [Photo / Bing
It is said that Harbin once had 54 churches. But now, less than 10 churches remain. However, the complex of churches are maintained in the city. Houses of worship have become the central squares in every sector of Harbin, such as The Church of the Protection of the Mother of God on Dongdazhijie Street, the Church of the Mother of God on Gogol Street and the Mosque on Tao Street. These not only remain as worship centers, but they are also places for people to relax and unite. Maybe that’s the influence left by Russia?
The inside view of St.
Sophia Church. [Photo / Bing
Chengxinzi] 索菲亚教堂内部
3.Volga manor: a unique feeling
When Nicolas Cathedral became a symbol of the old generation in Harbin, Mr Huang, a stubborn entrepreneur from Northeast China, began to pursue his dream - construct a Russian-style manor combining history, culture, architecture and art.
伏尔加庄园 Volga Manor. [Photo / Bing Chengxinzi] |
Mr Huang’s dream is to bring the Nicolas Cathedral to life in his Volga Manor. He said “I want to let the old citizens in Harbin see the old church and hear the bell again”. He invited Dr Kelagin, a famous architectural expert and president of the Association on the Protection of Historic Architecture. They found the original drawing of the church from a reference room in Russia and revived the church together.
老黄最大的愿望就是他建的 “伏尔加庄园”中复活圣·尼古拉教堂这座精美的建筑,“让老哈尔滨人再见到这座老教堂,再听听教堂的钟声”。他请来了俄罗斯著名的建筑学专家、俄罗斯历史文物建筑保护协会主席柯拉金博士,一起从俄罗斯的资料室里找出了一百多年前尼古拉教堂的原图纸,在异想天开中复原了这座建筑。
复建的尼古拉教堂 Nicolas Cathedral. [Photo / Bing Chengxinzi] |
Walking around Volga Manor, which has more than 30 Russian buildings, you will feel like you’re traveling in the past. Minianuer Restaurant, which was burned in a fire, was reconstructed in the center of the manor. It looks like a big ship returned home, anchored alongside the bank. Standing there, you can enjoy the scenery of the whole manor. And you will never feel bored. You can even enjoy the same view from sunrise to sunset.
Those delicate architecture styles that only exist in the history of Russia are brought to life at Volga Manor. The service center, with its exquisite decoration, emits the scent of the woods. What’s more, the Slim Birches Restaurant in the Statue Garden has an eclectic style with a unique design.
那些只停留在俄罗斯建筑史上的精美建筑也在伏尔加庄园得以再现。散发着原木味道的 “客服中心”,每一寸圆木都被精湛的纹理装饰;雕塑园中那19世纪俄罗斯折衷主义风格的小白桦餐厅,四个面都是正面的独有设计,是伏尔加庄园让这绝版建筑呈现在世人面前。
伏尔加秋色 Autumn view at Volga Manor. [Photo / Bing Chengxinzi] |
Pavlov Castle and Burgerdeli Castle are representative of classicism, featuring simple luxury. What’s more, Vantagia Club, Volga Hotel, Jinhuanxi Hotel, Forest Village Villa as well as the Nightingale Cafe all show the fantastic and extraordinary taste.
伏尔加庄园小夜莺咖啡厅 Nightingale Cafe in Volga Manor. [Photo / Bing Chengxinzi] |
More than 180 Russian nationals born in China came back to Harbin.Today, although they live in different places, yet they still miss their second hometown - Harbin. When they came to Volga Manor and saw the Russian architecture, they burst into tears. They kept saying that it’s hard to find such a place so filled with Russian architecture and art even in Russia.
Ding-ding-dong, when the bell at St.Nicolas Church rings, people in Harbin are deeply touched, because the bell’s ringing has become an echo of history. People can enjoy the happiness and calmness as well as the beauty in the echo.
青春就应该这样绽放 游戏测试:三国时期谁是你最好的兄弟!! 你不得不信的星座秘密