![[转载]李约瑟与《中国的科学与文明》(四) [转载]李约瑟与《中国的科学与文明》(四)]()
NEEDHAM: Science and Civilization in
and Written by Robin Gilbank
by Hu Zongfeng
compared with his prose, which at its best has the virility and
finesse of William Hazlitt or Charles Lamb, Needham’s poem comes
across as a forced and lacklustre set of rhyming couplets. Despite
being of limited artistic value, it does, nonetheless, possess some
intrinsic worth. In observing how Mao Zedong was “appropriate” for
China in that “age” Needham is demonstrating his own pragmatic,
even syncretic attitude towards belief. Just because he himself was
a Westerner and espoused Christianity it did not prevent him from
regarding Marxism – an ideology which condemned organized religion
as an aspect of false consciousness – as offering the hope of
reform in the spheres of politics, the economy and social
This insight supplies a useful
stepping stone to understanding how religious or ideological
diversity is dealt with by Science and Civilisation in
China. Having published the opening volume, entitled Introductory Orientations in
1954, Needham was required to step back and consider at length the
different contesting schools of thought in Chinese history, and to
supply some indications of how these nurtured or inhibited the
growth of modern science. Where other less perceptive observers
might have been content to praise the richness of the Tang Dynasty
learning and the refinement of the Song, Needham
opts to cover more contentious ground in a head-on
In the resulting
second volume he focused on the traditional triad of Buddhism,
Confucianism and Taoism. Confucianism was important in Needham’s
eyes not because Confucianist thinkers fostered a spirit of
scientific investigation sui
generis - in actual fact there were followers of the Master who
did quite the opposite. It is rather that the rhetoric of Confucius
laid the groundwork for a system of education which was in theory
based upon meritocracy instead of hereditary right. He
If every man was potentially
educable, then every normal man was potentially as good a judge of
truth as every other, the qualifications which added value to his
judgement being only education, experience and demonstrated
(Science and Civilisation in
China, Volume 2, p. 9).
In a somewhat
similar fashion to how he justified Marxism on the basis that it
encouraged reform and equality he valorizes Confucianism because it
helped to spawn institutions such as the Imperial Entrance
Examination. Although controversial and eventually decidedly stale,
this enshrined the principle that a person of adequate talent
should be able to rise above their circumstances of birth, however
modest. This transpired long before such democratizing sentiments
had arisen in the Western world.
On the other hand,
Needham was inclined to marginalize Confucianism in his writing,
since to him the custodians of Confucian ideas were in the main
preoccupied with issues pertaining to social order and ethics.
Likewise, Buddhism emerges as being of only marginal importance to
the development of science because Zen practitioners were directed
to reject worldliness and to divert their attention to the
afterlife. Needham does acknowledge the unparalleled size of
Buddhist monastery libraries, but according to some contemporary
Sinologists like Frances Wood of the British Library he downplayed
how skilled Buddhist scholars were at defending their faith against
charges of irrationality and not being interested in the physical
On top of that, scant thought was
given by Needham to the impact of the beliefs of minority ethnic
groups and, indeed, to indigenous
To Needham, the greatest progenitor of
investigative thinking in the Old China was, whether wittingly or
unwittingly, Taoism. Since Taoism put forth a complete view of the
cosmos and actively encouraged its adherents to think upon the
nature of matter and spirit it was conducive to the making of new
discoveries within the physical world. He comments
The Taoist system
of thought, which still today occupies at least as important a
place in the background of the Chinese mind as Confucianism, was a
unique and extremely interesting combination of philosophy and
religion, incorporating also ‘proto’-science and magic. It is
vitally important for the understanding of all Chinese science and
(Science and Civilisation in
China, Volume 2, p. 33).
Here the author has need to
clarify his lexicon. Taoism represented a broad spectrum of
beliefs, ranging from the Shamanistic teachers of the Warring
States Period (wu) and
the soothsayers (fangshi) to those who were more
actively engaged in fields of knowledge like medicine. Needham
praised in particular Ge Hong, for in the inner sections of his
Bao Pu Zi he put
forwards what appears to be a systematic approach to classifying
and treating disease which Needham compares favourably with
Aristotle. Although the writer of Science and Civilisation in China
invariably uses “science” according to its modern Western usage,
Taoism cannot be excluded from the debate for in amongst the
alchemy and magic there is plenty of what can now be recognized as
“proto-science.” Hence, the history of Chinese technology tends to
be diffuse and spread through written sources of diverse and
oftentimes unlikely genres. Innovation came in peaks and troughs,
sometimes corresponding to the monarch’s whimsical promotion of one
type of ethical or religious system at the expense of
Where then does
this leave Needham’s reputation? Should his writings be taken with
a pinch of salt just because he painted in such broad brushstrokes
and was inclined to refract the complexities of Chinese belief
systems through his own admittedly idiosyncratic lens? The fact
that he himself has now become a subject for academic study surely
confirms the tenacity of his work. Many of the greatest minds of
the twentieth and twenty-first centuries have mused over the
benighted state into which Chinese science fell. Albert Einstein,
for example, was of the belief that China did not experience a
Scientific Revolution and fell behind the West in technological
terms because it did not possess Euclidean geometry. He queried the
very import of the “Needham question” by saying that people should
not ask why China lacked a Scientific Revolution, but instead ask
why any country should have had a Scientific Revolution at
The “Needham
question” can, moreover, be viewed as a product of its time.
Seventy years ago when Joseph Needham first set foot in China the
country was apt to interpret its own recent history as a downward
spiral from being a formerly prosperous (if feudal) empire to a
neutered state afflicted by foreign invasion and the corruption of
the Qing Dynasty and Warlord factions. On top of this, the present,
intractable Civil War and the war against the Japanese made
national reunification seem like a distant prospect. Thinking about
the Needham question at the beginning of the 21st
century, following 35 years of Reform and Opening Up, the “century
of humiliations” and the decline in innovation which went before
this may be seen as temporary blips within the history of a
civilization which has lasted more than five thousand
more satisfying, if not comprehensive answer to the Needham
question, may in fact be found in the field of political science
rather than in science itself. Long ago when comparing the
destinies of Europe with those of Eastern nations David Hume
(1711-76) reasoned that technological progress was better achieved
in smaller states which had to compete for survival than in larger
ones which experienced relative internal stability.[2]
This goes some way to explaining the
success of the British Empire and its rivals. A modified version of
this argument was put forward by Robert Wesson in the
Hume 1711-76)在比较欧洲和东方国家的命运时就理智的说过,小国在科技上比大国进步快实乃为了生存而竞争,而大国的局势相对来说比较稳定。这一点也可以解释大英帝国的成功及其对手的境遇。二十世纪六十年代,罗伯特·韦森也更委婉的提出过相同的论点:
The more efficient
the empire, the more unimaginative and conventional are its people.
Yet genius is always somewhat...maladjusted in terms of the
mediocre milieu. In the great empire, moreover, the idealism that
energizes genius is lost....The sense and purposes of patriotism
are missing in the universal state....
Despotism, as de
Tocqueville remarked, freezes the soul. The poor find it enough to
keep alive, the educated show only a little less indifference and
apathy, and all lose the capacity to wrestle with new
(Robert Wesson, The Imperial
Order, 1967).
In a slight
adaptation of the complacency thesis the Old China can be construed
as a victim of its own success. A strong system of governance which
was invariably autocratic in nature gave the populace the
impression that their society was self-sufficient, and actively
inhibited the need and desire for looking beyond present borders of
‘In Our Time,’ BBC Radio 4,
19th October 2006.
See David Hume, ‘Of the rise
and fall of Arts and Sciences’ (1742). In particular Paragraph I,
XIV, 21.