The Comedy of Errors 3.2:1-52 |
William Shakespeare |
朱生豪译 吴兴华校 |
And may it be that you have quite forgot |
安提福勒斯你难道已经忘记了 |
A husband's office? Shall, Antipholus, |
一个男人对他妻子应尽的本分? |
Even in the spring of love, thy love-springs rot? |
在热情的青春,你爱苗已经枯槁? |
Shall love, in building, grow so ruinous? |
恋爱的殿堂没有筑成就已坍倾? |
If you did wed my sister for her wealth, |
你娶我姊姊倘只为了贪图财富, |
Then, for her wealth's sake use her with more kindness: |
为了财富你也该向她着意温存; |
Or, if you like elsewhere, do it by stealth; |
纵使另有新欢,也只好鹊桥偷渡, |
Muffle your false love with some show of blindness; |
对着眼前的人儿献些假意殷勤。 |
Let not my sister read it in your eye: |
别让她在你眼里窥见你的隐衷, |
Be not thy tongue thy own shame s orator; |
别让你的嘴唇宣布自己的羞耻; |
Look sweet, speak fair, become disloyalty; |
你尽管巧言令色,把她鼓里包蒙, |
Apparel vice like virtue's harbinger; |
心里奸淫邪恶,表面上圣贤君子。 |
Bear a fair presence, though your heart be tainted; |
何必让她知道你已经变了心肠? |
Teach sin the carriage of a holy saint; |
哪一个笨贼夸耀他自己的罪状? |
Be secret-false: what need she be acquainted? |
莫在她心灵上留下双重的创伤, |
What simple thief brags of bis own attaint? |
既然对不起她,就不该恶声相向。 |
'Tis double wrong to truant with your bed, |
啊,可怜的女人!天生来柔弱易欺, |
And let her read it in thy looks at board: |
只要你们说爱我们,我们就相信; |
Shame hath a bastard fame, well managed; |
躯体被别人占据了,给我们外衣, |
Ill deeds are doubled with an evil word. |
我们也就心满意足,不发生疑问。 |
Alas! poor women, make us but believe, |
姊夫,进去吧,安慰安慰我的姊姊, |
Being compact of credit, that you love us; |
劝她不要伤心,把她叫一声我爱; |
Though others have the arm, show us the sleeve; |
甜言蜜语的慰藉倘能息争解气, |
We in your motion turn, and you may move us. |
何必管它是真心,是假惺惺作态。 |
Then, gentle brother, get you in again; |
Comfort my sister, cheer her, call her wife: |
Tis holy sport to be a little vain, |
When the sweet breath of flattery conquers strife. |