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贾谊《过秦论》(节选5)(Burton Watson英译)




-- 选自百衲本《史记·秦始皇本纪》


The empire of Qin at this time was by no means small orfeeble. Its base in Yongzhou, its stronghold within Mt. Yao and the Pass, werethe same as before. The position of Chen She could not compare in dignity withthe lords of Qi, Chu, Yan, Zhao, Wei, Song, Wey, and Zhongshan. The weaponswhich he improvised from hoe handles and tree branches could not match thesharpness of spears and battle pikes; his little band of garrison conscriptswas nothing beside the armies of the Nine States. In deep plotting andfar-reaching stratagems, in methods of warfare, he was far inferior to the menof earlier times. And yet Chen She succeeded in his undertaking where they hadfailed, though in ability, size, power, and strength his forces could in no waycompare to those of the states east of the mountains that had formerly opposedQin. Qin, beginning with an insignificant amount of territory, reached thepower of a great kingdom and for 100 years made the ancient eight provinces payhomage at its court. Yet, after it had become master of the six directions andestablished its palaces within the passes, a single commoner opposed it and itsseven ancestral temples toppled, its ruler died by the hands of men, and itbecame the laughing stock of the world. Why? Because it failed to rule withhumanity and righteousness, and did not realize that the power to attack, and the power to retain what one has thereby won, are not the same.












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