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译者词汇量 (toddy, whittle,garrulous, wholesome, wield)

翻译更要懂得快速温习 -- Five Words At A Time

(toddy, whittle,garrulous, wholesome, wield)


754. toddy ['tɒdɪ]

n. 棕榈汁;棕榈酒

Toddy: 榨成的 | 香多迪 | 特迪类

755. whittle ['wɪt(ə)l]

n. 屠刀

vi. 削;削木头;弄坏身体

vt. 削;削减;切;削弱

n. (Whittle)人名;()惠特尔

Whittle:  | 削水果

He whittled the wood into a spoon.他把木材削成一支汤匙。

As a present for Aunt Polly, Tom whittled some clothespins out of a chunk of wood.

whittle down a stick 一点一点地削细木棒

whittle away/down 削减;削弱

756. garrulous['gær(j)ʊləs]

adj. 唠叨的;喋喋不休的;多嘴的

garrulous: 唠叨的 | 多言饶舌的

Given to excessive and often trivial or rambling talk; tiresomely talkative.See Synonyms at talkative

爱说话的,絮聒的:喜欢谈话的,通常是有关琐屑或漫无目的的话题;健谈得让人厌恶参见 talkative

Wordy and rambling:


a garrulous speech.


757. wholesome['həʊls(ə)m]

adj. 健全的;有益健康的;合乎卫生的;审慎的

wholesome: 健康的 | 合乎卫生的 | 有益于健康的

wholesome potable water优质食水

758. wield [wiːld]

vt. 使用;行使;挥舞

He remains chairman, but wields little power at the company.


(toddy, whittle,garrulous, wholesome, wield) 


(中西交流网http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/2811577355 )

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