Lucky in Love
Lucky in Love
Lord and Lady Grantham have been married before! Hugh Bonneville and Elizabeth McGovern played Mr. and Mrs. in the 2008 BBC series Freezing and in a 2003 U.K. TV movie.
Parting Company
Parting Company
Dan Stevens has left the abbey. The heartthrob half of star-crossed loves Matthew Crawley and Lady Mary does appear in season 3 -- but it's his final one. "I wanted a chance to do other things," the married father of two tells the U.K.
丹·史蒂文斯离开了庄园。Matthew Crawley和大小姐Lady Mary这对命运多桀的恋人,他们的爱情确实在第三季开花结果了——但这一季也是大表哥最后的亮相。“我希望能够有机会做些其他事”,这个已有两个孩子的已婚男人如是说。
Maid Makeunder
Maid Makeunder
Daisy's look takes effort: dirt under her nails, "eczema" on her hands and waxy hair. Says her portrayer Sophie McShera: "I do look pretty gross!"
Showbiz Connection
Showbiz Connection
Jim Carter, a.k.a. Carson the butler, is part of an acting pair. His wife is Harry Potter villain Imelda Staunton.
Dress to Impress
Dress to Impress
Costume designer Caroline McCall created a long-sleeve lace gown for Michelle Dockery to appear as a bride. The $200,000 topper: this 30-carat Bentley & Skinner diamond tiara!
服装设计师Caroline McCall为米歇尔·道克瑞的新娘装扮设计了长袖蕾丝礼服。价值20万美元的头饰镶嵌有30克拉的Bentley & Skinner钻石!
Ruff Days
Ruff Days
Casting scandal! Roly, the yellow Lab who played Pharaoh in season 1, didn't mesh with the pups living at the Highclere Castle set -- and was not ordered to stay. Hired: Ellie, a.k.a. Isis.
Mind Your Manners
Mind Your Manners
Historical adviser Alastair Bruce passionately nitpicks the details, down to the last vegetable. One debate over fork vs. fingers was dubbed... Asparagus-gate!
历史顾问Alastair Bruce总是乐此不疲地对细节吹毛求疵,甚至是餐桌上最后上的一道蔬菜。一个关于到底用叉子还是用手的争论被称为……芦笋门!
Big Business
Big Business
With 50-plus bedrooms and a chair that was once Napoleon's among the artifacts to dust, Downton's "upstairs," England's 18-century Highclere Castle, is definitely high-maintenance. But the show's success has lured as many as 1,200 tourists a day. Price tag per visit: $29!
Who Wore It Best?
Who Wore It Best?
Downton isn't the first period project to rent vintage pieces from a costume house: Here's Michelle Dockery (right) in the same bloodred evening dress worn by Catherine Zeta-Jones in 2007's Death Defying Acts.
Shirley MacLaine, who guests as Lady Grantham's mother, spars with Maggie Smith's Dowager Countess -- but their first exchange was at an Oscars catering table in the '70s. MacLaine, who lost, says Smith reminded her, "You tucked right into that chocolate cake and said 'F--k it, I don't care if I'm thin ever again.'"