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CVDDIE.                                             卡狄

Ah foolish old man, I scorn thy skill,                哎唷,笨老头,你的说法很可笑,

That wouldest me, my springing yougth to spill.       我不会把大好青春年华毁掉。

I deeme, thy braine emperished bee                    我相信是因你到了垂暮之年,

Through rusty elde, that hath rotted thee:            所以你的头脑已经僵化腐烂:

Or sicker thy head veray tottie is,                   或者一定是它有什么不正常,

So on thy corbe shoulder it leanes amisse.            所以一直在肩膀上左摇右晃。

Now thy selfe hast lost both lopp and topp,           如今你的青春岁月尽失不剩,

Als my budding branch thou wouldest cropp:            而我的锦瑟华年却欣欣向荣:

But were thy yeares greene, as now bene myne,         葱茏岁月你曾有,现在属于我,

To other delights they would encline.                 你只能去寻找其它欣喜快乐。

Tho wouldest thou learne to caroll of Loue,           那个时候,你将学会歌颂爱情,

And hery with hymnes thy lasses gloue.                唱赞歌,和你的姑娘你侬我侬。

Tho wouldest thou pype of Phyllis prayse:             你会吹奏起牧笛赞美菲利丝:

But Phyllis is myne for many dayes:                   但菲利丝已经成了我的女子:

I wonne her with a girdle of gelt,                    我是用一定金腰带将她套住,

Embost with buegle about the belt                   腰带上镶嵌着一粒粒水晶珠。

Such an one shepeheards woulde make full faine:       这样的女子让牧童称心如意:

Such an one would make thee younge againe.            这样的女子会让你焕发生机。

 青春就应该这样绽放  游戏测试:三国时期谁是你最好的兄弟!!  你不得不信的星座秘密

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