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卷一 闺房记乐(25  作者:沈复         


明年乙卯秋 八月五日,吾母将挈芸游虎丘,闲憨忽至曰:“余亦有虎丘之游,今日特邀君作探花使者。”因请吾母先行,期于虎丘半塘相晤,拉余至冷香寓。见冷香已半老;有女名憨园,瓜期未破,亭亭玉立,真“一泓秋水照人寒”者也,款接间,颇知文墨;有妹文园,尚雏。余此时初无痴想,且念一杯之叙,非寒士所能酬,而既入个中,私心忐忑,强为酬答。因私谓闲憨曰:“余贫士也,子以尤物玩我乎?”闲憨笑曰:“非也,今日有友人邀憨园答我,席主为尊客拉去,我代客转邀客,毋烦倾他虑也。”余始释然。         



林语堂  译:


Six Chapters of A Floating Life

Chapter One: Wedded Bliss 25

By Shen Fu



On the fifth day of the eighth moon in the following year, my mother was going to see Huch' iu with Yun, when Hsienhan suddenly appeared and said, "I am going to Huch'iu, too. Will you come along with me and see a beautiful sing-song girl?" I told my mother to go ahead and agreed to meet her at Pant'ang near Huch'iu. My friend then dragged me to Lenghsiang's place. I saw that Lenghsiang was already in her middle-age, but she had a girl by the name of Hanyuan, who was a very sweet young maiden, still in her teens. Her eyes looked "like an autumn lake that cooled one by its cold splendor." After talking with her for a while, I learnt that she knew very well how to read and write. There was also a younger sister of hers, by the name of Wenyuan, who was still a mere child.

I had then no thought of going about with a sing-song girl, fully realizing that, as a poor scholar, I could not afford to take part in the feast in such a place. But since I was there already, I tried to get along as best I could.

"Are you trying to seduce me?" I said to Hsienhan secretly.

"No," he replied, "someone had invited me today to a dinner in Hanyuan's place in return for a previous dinner. It happened that the host himself was invited by an important person, and I am acting in his place. Don't you worry!"

I felt then quite relieved.

 青春就应该这样绽放  游戏测试:三国时期谁是你最好的兄弟!!  你不得不信的星座秘密

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