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(As most vsen Ambitious folke:)                    (像大多野心勃勃的家伙那样:)

His colowred crime with craft to cloke.              用起了花招粉饰罪行的伎俩。

Ah my soueraigne, Lord of creatures all,             啊,我的主宰,噢,天地万物之主,

Thou placer of plants both humble and tall,          你亲手造了高高低低的植物,

Was not I planted of thine owne hand,                难道不是你曾亲手把我种下,

To be the primrose of all thy land,                  我是你地里最主要、最好的花,

With flowring blossomes, to furnish the prime,       朵朵绽放的花儿将春天装饰,

And scarlot berries in Sommer time?                  装扮夏季的是红艳艳的果实?

How falls it then, that this faded Oake,             可你为何又栽了这棵老橡树,

Whose bodie is sere, whose braunches broke,          枝桠已经断裂,它的躯干干枯,

Whose naked Armes stretch vnto the fyre,             根根光秃的枝干向苍穹示威,

Vnto such tyranny doth aspire:                       又为何要让他高居僭主之位:

Hindering with his shade my louely light,            用树阴将我灿烂的旖旎遮挡,

And robbing me of the swete sonnes sight?            抢我的机会,让我见不到太阳?

So beate his old boughes my tender side,             他用大枝抽打我脆弱的地方,

That oft the bloud springeth from wounds wyde:       我的伤口常常会有鲜血流淌:

Vntimely my flowres forced to fall,                  我的花儿本为荣耀你的花冠,

That bene the honor of your Coranall               但却被他逼得早早落地凋残。

And oft he lets his cancker wormes light             他还常常让尺蠖飞落我枝头,

Vpon my braunches, to worke me more spight:          讨扰我,害得我更加感到难受:

 青春就应该这样绽放  游戏测试:三国时期谁是你最好的兄弟!!  你不得不信的星座秘密

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