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SCENE I. An apartment in the DUKE'S palace.


Enter DUKE VINCENTIO, ESCALUS, Lords and Attendants




My lord.


Of government the properties to unfold,
Would seem in me to affect speech and discourse;
Since I am put to know that your own science
Exceeds, in that, the lists of all advice
My strength can give you: then no more remains,
But that to your sufficiency as your Worth is able,
And let them work. The nature of our people,
Our city's institutions, and the terms
For common justice, you're as pregnant in
As art and practise hath enriched any
That we remember. There is our commission,
From which we would not have you warp. Call hither,
I say, bid come before us Angelo.

Exit an Attendant

What figure of us think you he will bear?
For you must know, we have with special soul
Elected him our absence to supply,
Lent him our terror, dress'd him with our love,
And given his deputation all the organs
Of our own power: what think you of it?


If any in Vienna be of worth
To undergo such ample grace and honour,
It is Lord Angelo.


Look where he comes.



Always obedient to your grace's will,
I come to know your pleasure.


There is a kind of character in thy life,
That to the observer doth thy history
Fully unfold. Thyself and thy belongings
Are not thine own so proper as to waste
Thyself upon thy virtues, they on thee.
Heaven doth with us as we with torches do,
Not light them for themselves; for if our virtues
Did not go forth of us, 'twere all alike
As if we had them not. Spirits are not finely touch'd
But to fine issues, nor Nature never lends
The smallest scruple of her excellence
But, like a thrifty goddess, she determines
Herself the glory of a creditor,
Both thanks and use. But I do bend my speech
To one that can my part in him advertise;
Hold therefore, Angelo:--
In our remove be thou at full ourself;
Mortality and mercy in Vienna
Live in thy tongue and heart: old Escalus,
Though first in question, is thy secondary.
Take thy commission.


Now, good my lord,
Let there be some more test made of my metal,
Before so noble and so great a figure
Be stamp'd upon it.


No more evasion:
We have with a leaven'd and prepared choice
Proceeded to you; therefore take your honours.
Our haste from hence is of so quick condition
That it prefers itself and leaves unquestion'd
Matters of needful value. We shall write to you,
As time and our concernings shall importune,
How it goes with us, and do look to know
What doth befall you here. So, fare you well;
To the hopeful execution do I leave you
Of your commissions.


Yet give leave, my lord,
That we may bring you something on the way.


My haste may not admit it;
Nor need you, on mine honour, have to do
With any scruple; your scope is as mine own
So to enforce or qualify the laws
As to your soul seems good. Give me your hand:
I'll privily away. I love the people,
But do not like to stage me to their eyes:
Through it do well, I do not relish well
Their loud applause and Aves vehement;
Nor do I think the man of safe discretion
That does affect it. Once more, fare you well.


The heavens give safety to your purposes!


Lead forth and bring you back in happiness!


I thank you. Fare you well.



I shall desire you, sir, to give me leave
To have free speech with you; and it concerns me
To look into the bottom of my place:
A power I have, but of what strength and nature
I am not yet instructed.


'Tis so with me. Let us withdraw together,
And we may soon our satisfaction have
Touching that point.


I'll wait upon your honour.




朱生豪  译:





第一场 公爵宫廷中一室




公爵 爱斯卡勒斯!


爱斯卡勒斯 有,殿下。


公爵 关于政治方面的种种机宜,我不必多向你絮说,因为我知道你在这方面的经验阅历,胜过我所能给你的任何指示;对于地方上人民的习性*,以及布政施教的宪章、信赏必罚的律法,你也都了如指掌,比得上任何博学练达之士,所以我尽可信任你的才能,让你自己去适宜应付。我给你这一道诏书,愿你依此而行。(以诏书授爱斯卡勒斯)来人,去唤安哲鲁过来。(一侍从下)你看:他这人能不能代理我的责任?因为我在再三考虑之下,已经决定当我出巡的时候,叫他摄理政务;他可以充分享受众人的畏惧爱敬,全权处置一切的事情。你以为怎样?


爱斯卡勒斯 在维也纳地方,要是有人值得受这样隆重的眷宠恩荣,那就是安哲鲁大人了。


公爵 他来了。




安哲鲁 听见殿下的召唤,小臣特来恭听谕令。


公爵 安哲鲁,在你的生命中有一种与众不同的地方,使人家一眼便知道你的全部的为人。你自己和你所有的一切,倘不拿出来贡献于人世,仅仅一个人独善其身,那实在是一种浪费。上天生下我们,是要把我们当作火炬,不是照亮自己,而是普照世界;因为我们的德行倘不能推及他人,那就等于没有一样。一个人有了才华智慧,必须使它产生有益的结果;造物是一个工于算计的女神,她所给与世人的每一分才智,都要受赐的人知恩感激,加倍报答。可是我虽然这样对你说,也许我倒是更应该受你教益的;所以请你受下这道诏书吧,安哲鲁;(以诏书授安哲鲁)当我不在的时候,你就是我的全权代表,你的片言一念,可以决定维也纳人民的生死,年高的爱斯卡勒斯虽然先受到我的嘱托,他却是你的辅佐。


安哲鲁 殿下,当您还没有在我这块顽铁上面打下这样光荣伟大的印记之前,最好请您先让它多受一番试验。


公爵 不必推托了,我在详细考虑之后,才决定选中你,所以你可以受之无愧。我因为此行很是匆促,对于一切重要事务不愿多加过问。我去了以后,随时会把我在外面的一切情形写信给你;我也盼望你随时把这儿的情形告诉我。现在我们再会吧,希望你们好好执行我的命令。


安哲鲁 可是殿下,请您容许我们为您壮壮行色*吧。


公爵 我急于动身,这可不必了。你在代我摄政的时候,尽管放手干去,不必有什么顾虑;你的权力就像我自己一样,无论是需要执法从严的,或者不妨衡情宽恕的,都凭着你的判断执行。让我握你的手。我这回出行不预备给大家知道,我虽然爱我的人民,可是不愿在他们面前铺张扬厉,他们热烈的夹道欢呼,虽然可以表明他们对我的好感,可是我想,喜爱这一套的人是难以称为审慎的。再会吧!


安哲鲁 上天保佑您一路平安!


爱斯卡勒斯 愿殿下早日平安归来!


公爵 谢谢你们。再见!(下。)


爱斯卡勒斯 大人,我想请您准许我跟您开诚布公地谈一下,我必须知道我自己的地位。主上虽然付我以重托,可是我还不曾明白我的权限是怎样。


安哲鲁 我也是一样。让我们一块儿回去对这个问题作出圆满的安排吧。


爱斯卡勒斯 敬遵台命。(同下。)

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