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在一所美术学院, 三十多年前有两位教作品欣赏的中年教师。一位教西洋画欣赏课, 姓吕,本人修饰得也很有“西方风度”,整日里西装笔挺,皮鞋锃亮,头发也总是油光闪闪。另一位是教国画欣赏课的,姓唐,本人的风度也颇国粹,穿的是长衫,布鞋,头发不多,而胡子颇长。








Friendship for All Time



Over thirty years ago, there were two middle-aged lecturers teaching art appreciation in a fine arts academy. One of them, whose surname was Lu, taught appreciation of Western art and had a Western air about him—always wearing a well-pressed Western suit and shiny leather shoes, and keeping his hair so well oiled that it sparkled. The other one, whose surname was Tang, taught appreciation of Chinese art, and was very Chinese in appearance—wearing a traditional Chinese gown and cotton slippers, with thinning hair and a longish beard.

Behind their backs, the students dubbed them “Western Lu” and “Chinese Tang”, respectively.

As each loved his own field and was totally devoted to it, they were unable to tolerate the other side’s “alien learning” and absolutely refused to accommodate each other. Because of this, the two of them were constantly attacking one another.

For instance, while lecturing, Western Lu, who attached great importance to the lifelike quality of Western art, hung on the blackboard an oil portrait of his wife which he had painted. The students had all seen his wife—a Western-style beauty. Upon seeing the portrait, which was a good likeness of the sitter, the students broke into cheers and applause. Feeling pleased with himself, Western Lu began to comment sarcastically, “I always doubt whether a work of art that hasn’t even achieved formal resemblance to the subject deserves to be called art.” In the next class, Chinese Tang put up on the blackboard a portrait of his father (an old man with a long beautiful beard), which he had painted with the techniques of traditional Chinese painting. The students experienced a different kind of unique artistic charm, and again broke into loud cheers and applause. Chinese Tang’s remarks also turned sarcastic: “Pursuing merely formal resemblance without conveying the spirit of the subject is not art. I would rather learn photography than that kind of stuff!”

Yet it was in the process of these uncompromising mutual attacks that each discovered the admirable qualities of the other—a refined artistic taste and total devotion to his art and profession. When Western Lu was already a professor, Chinese Tang still held no professional title. As a member of the board that conferred professional titles, Western Lu strongly recommended Chinese Tang for a professorship over the objections of other. The others were puzzled and mentioned their past conflicts. Western Lu explained, “I’m in favor of giving him the professorship of Chinese art. I didn’t say he was qualified to be a professor of Western art!”

When the time came to reallocate lodgings for the staff members, Western Lu and Chinese Tang still lived in a bungalow in a dilapidated part of the academy. As vice-chair of the Housing Committee, Chinese Tang allocated an apartment, for which he was equally eligible, to Western Lu without giving it a second thought, his reason being that “For someone studying Western art, his living conditions should also be a little more westernized, shouldn’t they? My field is Chinese art, and I wouldn’t have any creative impulse unless there were a thatched cottage with a bamboo fence in front of me.”

At that time they didn’t realize that they had formed a friendship that would stand the test of life and death.

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