Thereupon he discarded the ways of the former kings and,burned the books of the hundred schools of philosophy in order to make theblack-headed people ignorant. He destroyed the walls of the great cities, putto death the powerful leaders, and collected all the arms of the empire, whichhe had brought to his capital at Xianyang, where the spears and arrowheads weremelted down and cast to make twelve human statues. All this he did in order toweaken the black-headed people. After this he ascended and fortified Mt. Hua,set up fords along the Yellow River, and strengthened the heights andprecipices overlooking the fathomless valleys, in order to secure his position.He garrisoned the strategic points with skilled generals and strong crossbowmenand stationed trusted ministers and well-trained soldiers to guard the landwith arms and question all who passed back and forth. When he had thus pacifiedthe empire, the First Emperor believed in his heart that, with the strength ofhis capital within the passes and his walls of metal extending 1,000 miles, hehad established a rule that would be enjoyed by his sons and grandsons for10,000 generations.