After this came the First Emperor who, carrying on theglorious spirit of his six predecessors, cracked his long whip and drove theuniverse before him, swallowed up the eastern and western Zhou, and overthrewthe feudal lords. He ascended the throne of honour and ruled the sixdirections, scourging the world with his lash, and his might shook the fourseas. In the south he seized the land of the hundred tribes of Yue and made ofit Guilin and Xiang provinces, and the lords of the hundred Yue bowed theirheads, hung halters from their necks, and pleaded for their lives with thelowest officials of Qin. Then he sent Meng Tian north to build the Great Walland defend the borders, driving back the Xiongnu over 700 li, so that the barbariansno longer ventured to come south to pasture their horses and their men darednot take up their bows to vent their hatred.