江绍伦 译:
Late Spring
Huang Ting Jian (1045-11050)
Tune: Music Serene
O Where did spring go
By herself alone she knows no road
If ever anyone knows her dwelling place
Please call her back to me together we’ll stay
Who’s sure spring has left no trace
Ask the oriole
It sings a hundred tunes for none to know
On wings of wind they fly past the rose
徐忠杰 译:
Late spring
Spring has somehow gone! But where?
It has left no track behind.
It is neither here nor there.
Loneliness is what we find.
If someone knows the right way,
Call spring back with us to stay.
Without a trace, Spring has left.
In nightingales, the clue lies.
But who understands their trills?
Past the rose beds, there it flies!
卓振英 译:
Celebrating Peace and Order
Oh! Where is Spring?
I know not where to go in lonely dismay.
Would anyone who knows Spring’s whereabouts kindly bring
Him word, requesting that he would with me stay?
Alas! Who knows, as no trace is to be found?
To seek th’ oriole’s advice I may well try.
Yet unfathomable’s th’ bird’s twittering sound;
With a gust of wind o’er th’ rose bush th’ fowl does fly!