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尚书 The Book of History -- 《大诰--&n ...


尚书 The Book of History -- 《大诰-- Great Announcement》(James Legge  英译)(1)

大诰: 武王崩,三监及淮夷叛,周公相成王,将黜殷,作《大诰》。

大诰: 王若曰:“猷大诰尔多邦越尔御事,弗吊天降割于我家,不少延。洪惟我幼冲人,嗣无疆大历服。弗造哲,迪民康,矧曰其有能格知天命! 

Great Announcement: The king speaks to the following effect: 'Ho! I make a great announcement to you, (the princes of) the many states, and to you, the managers of my affairs. We are unpitied, and Heaven sends down calamities on our House, without the least intermission. It greatly occupies my thoughts that I, so very young, have inherited this illimitable patrimony with its destinies and domains. I cannot display wisdom and lead the people to prosperity; and how much less should I be able to reach the knowledge of the decree of Heaven!

大诰: 已!予惟小子,若涉渊水,予惟往求朕攸济。敷贲敷前人受命,兹不忘大功。予不敢于闭。 

Great Announcement: 'Yes, I who am but a little child am in the position of one who has to go through a deep water; I must go and seek where I can cross over. I must diffuse the elegant institutions of my predecessor and display the appointment which he received (from Heaven); so shall I not be forgetful of his great work. Nor shall I dare to restrain the majesty of Heaven in sending down its inflictions (on the criminals).

大诰: 天降威,用宁王遗我大宝龟,绍天明。即命曰:‘有大艰于西土,西土人亦不静,越兹蠢。殷小腆诞敢纪其叙。天降威,知我国有疵,民不康,曰:予复!反鄙我周邦,今蠢今翼。日,民献有十夫予翼,以于敉宁、武图功。我有大事,休?’朕卜并吉。” 

Great Announcement: 'The Tranquillizing king left to me the great precious tortoise-shell, to bring into connexion with me the intelligence of Heaven. I divined by it, and it told me that there would be great trouble in the region of the west and that the western people would not be still. Accordingly we have these senseless movements. Small and reduced as Yin now is, (its prince) greatly dares to take in hand its (broken) line. Though Heaven sent down its terrors (on his House), yet knowing of the evils in our kingdom, and that the people are not tranquil, he says, "I will recover (my patrimony);" and so (he wishes to) make our Zhou a border territory again. One day there was a senseless movement, and the day after, ten men of worth appeared among the people, to help me to go forward to restore tranquillity and perpetuate the plans (of my father). The great business I am engaging in will (thus) have a successful issue. I have divined (also) by the tortoise-shell, and always got a favourable response.

大诰: 肆予告我友邦君越尹氏、庶士、御事、曰:‘予得吉卜,予惟以尔庶邦于伐殷逋播臣。’尔庶邦君越庶士、御事罔不反曰:‘艰大,民不静,亦惟在王宫邦君室。越予小子考,翼不可征,王害不违卜?’ 

Great Announcement: 'Therefore I tell you, the princes of my friendly states, and you, the directors of departments, my officers, and the managers of my affairs; I have obtained a favourable reply to my divinations. I will go forward with you from all the states, and punish those vagabond and transported ministers of Yin. (But) you the princes of the various states, and you the various officers and managers of my affairs, all retort on me, saying, "The hardships will be great, and that the people are not quiet (???) has its source really in the king's palace and in the mansions of the princes in that (rebellious) state. We little ones, and the old and reverend men as well, think the expedition ill-advised; why does your Majesty not go contrary to the divinations?"

大诰: 肆予冲人永思艰,曰:呜呼!允蠢,鳏寡哀哉!予造天役,遗大投艰于朕身,越予冲人,不卬自恤。义尔邦君越尔多士、尹氏、御事绥予曰:‘无毖于恤,不可不成乃宁考图功!’ 

Great Announcement: I, in my youth, (also) think continually of these hardships, and say, Alas! these senseless movements will deplorably afflict the wifeless men and widows! But I am the servant of Heaven, which has assigned me this great task, and laid the hard duty on my person. I therefore, the young one, do not pity myself; and it would be right in you, the many officers, the directors of departments, and the managers of my affairs, to comfort me, saying, "Do not be distressed with sorrow. We shall surely complete the plans of your Tranquillizing father."


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