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Planets Feed Baby Star Their Leftovers

by Sean Treacy     胡德良 



Open wide, baby star: Here comes a stream of gas. Astronomers observing the still-forming sun HD 142527, located about 450 light-years away, have found that it is being fed by two hidden gas giant planets several times the mass of Jupiter. The planets, which are also still forming, each live in and are obscured by their own river of gas, which flows from a large, misshapen halo on the outer edge of the system (artist's impression, above; image from Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array telescope in Chile, inset). The planets' gravity draws gas from the halo, but much of that gas overshoots them and hurtles across a vast gap toward the star instead, the team reports online today in Nature. HD 142527 is only about 2 million years old, but it's a big newborn, already twice the mass of the sun. These rivers will help it grow even more.








星宝贝儿,张开大嘴:有一股气流来啦!天文学家们观察到正在形成中的恒星HD 142527,该恒星位于大约450光年之外。他们发现,这颗恒星由两颗隐形的气态巨星来喂养,两个气态巨星均是木星质量的数倍。两颗行星也正在形成,分别位于自己的气体巨流之中,显得模糊不清,而气体巨流从该星系外围一个奇形怪状的庞大晕轮中流入。以上是艺术家绘制的印象图,插图中的图片来自智利阿塔卡马毫米/亚毫米波阵列望远镜。今天,研究小组在《自然》杂志在线版上报道说:行星的引力把气体从晕轮中吸引过来,但是大部分气体冲过行星,跨过巨大的间隙朝着恒星飞去。HD 142527只有两百万岁,但它生来就具有大个头——已经是太阳质量的两倍,而且这些气体巨流将会帮助它长成更大的个头!



    译自:美国《科学》杂志网站(2 January 2013, 1:25 PM  

  原著:Sean Treacy



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