241. cheesy 怪怪的,It’s a little cheesy, but it worked. 这方法不大为人所接受,但却很有效。It is a cheesy and slow way to make tiny cash but works every time. 这方法有点怪,也慢,但是要赚点小钱还是蛮有效的,次次都成功。
242. skanky 脏,坏女孩,Mayer just can't help but rebound with dumb, skanky girls. 马亚老是跟那些又笨又坏的女孩混到一起。
243. sneaky peak 瞄一眼
244. blurry 模糊的 The line is blurry for it. 界限不是很清楚。 (见blur,又见foggy,同义。
245. crispy 脆的,
246. spunky: This new book by three-time Pulitzer finalist Savan is spunky, well reasoned, perceptive, and massively entertaining.
247. pointy 很尖,The leaves are pointy, be careful. 这些树叶很尖的,小心。
248. buzzy, He is undeniably buzzy. 毫无疑问,他是一个极具争议性的人。比较名词buzz:This is the top buzz story. 这是最引人注目的新闻。
249. squeaky:As an old saying goes: the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Whoever makes the loudest complains gets attention. 老话说得好,响轮得机油。谁的抱怨声音最大,谁就会得到帮助。这句话相当于“会哭的婴孩有奶吃”。
250. Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near. Let the evildoer still do evil, and the filthy still be filthy, and the righteous still do right, and the holy still be holy. (Revelation22)不可封了这书上的预言,因为日期近了。不义的,叫他仍旧不义;污秽的,叫他仍旧污秽;为义的,叫他仍旧为义;圣洁的,叫他仍旧圣洁。