271. drop the ball, 失手,犯错(球到手了却不知为什么丢了)A. You can trust me. B. I don't know. Every time I depend on you, you drop the ball. A. 你可以相信我。B. 那我就不知道了。每次我需要你时,你都辜负了我。I thought Sam was going to reserve the room, but somebody dropped the ball. 我以为Sam会定房间呢,有人出了错,并没有定。
272. That’s the way the ball bounces.
这是没办法的事。球蹦起来是无法掌控的,可能会把窗给砸了。你犯了错,就替自己开脱说That’s the way the ball
273. He has a lot of balls in the
air, such as writing, giving lectures and so on; and he can handle
them all.
274. curve 意为“曲线”,口语中有好些用法:
a) a curve ball,棒球投球手(pitcher)投出难接的曲线球,意为“意外的难题”, The weather threw
a curve ball at their outdoor picnic and they had to eat indoors.
天气忽然变得很糟糕,他们不得不中断室外的野餐,转到室内吃。throw someone a curve/ curveball
b) 函数表格中常常出现曲线,表示两个点之间的关系,现在也喻事务中间的关系:the learning curve,progress
curve, cost improvement curve,gradual learning
c) They are stepping up to do whatever they can do to bend the cost
curve.The learning curve proves steep. 学习的代价很大。
d) powerball:强力球(美国的一种彩票)
e) screwball:n. 怪人;略带神经病的人;内曲线球 /adj. 精神有点怪的;怪僻的
275. softball and hardball:softball(
垒球,从字面上看是“软球”,因此是些无关紧要的事),hardball(棒球,从字面上看是“硬球”), The Focus (焦点访谈)
once a while will have some high level cadres on the program, but
only for friendly softball interviews and rhetorical backrubs with
off-camera happy endings.
276. He played hardball by walking
out of his boss’ office. 他走出了老板办公室表示了他的强烈不满。fastball, 极难接的快球:So
when I threw this inside fastball, he was surprised.
当我出奇不备地向他提出了这个含有内幕的问题时,他大吃了一惊。I’m sorry I didn’t get the contract.
Their team threw a fast ball . They talked to the boss
277. play ball打球,也表示“开始干活”:Let’s play
ball and start negotiating the contract. 我们可以开始办正事了,来协商一下这个合同吧。I am
glad that you have got the ball
278. You need be always ready for a
ballpark idea of the cost to your
clients.当顾客问起时,你得随时做好准备告诉顾客费用大致会多少。Give me a ballpark
figure.告诉我大致数额是多少。Do you think the projected sales figures are
realistic? They're in the right ballpark.
279. Three strikes, you are out.
strikes law”,又叫“habitual offender
280. Hallelujah! For the Lord our God
the Almighty reigns. The kingdom of the world has become the
kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah, and he will reign forever
青春就应该这样绽放 游戏测试:三国时期谁是你最好的兄弟!! 你不得不信的星座秘密