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631. piggy bank, 快乐小猪存钱罐 or a change jar, 存钱罐,The children took a great deal of joy filling up piggy banks. 小孩子们最喜欢把小猪钱罐塞满了。又作“小金库”解:Can politicians use PACs as their personal piggy banks? 这些政客难道可以把政治献金当成自己的小金库吗?

632. You are missing the point. 你没有明白这里真正的意思。You get the point. 你明白了。

633. 早晨遇见人时说:Good morning! 分手时可以说 Have a good day. or Have a good one!这比说Good-bye要随意得多。

634. Where is the chow? chow的意思是“食物”,a chow tour across Guangzhou 广州寻找美食之旅。chow又特别指宠物的食品,例如dog chow 狗食,chow chow dog, 小松狮狗,毛厚的小狗。

635. The girl(the boy) is out of your league. 对你来说,这个女孩就是只天鹅(是望尘莫及)。league是棒球队,棒球队有高级队(major league)与初级队(minor league),高级队对初级队的人来说是望尘莫及的事。一般此词只用于男女孩之间。

636. He is a sqrare peg in a round hole here. 他根本就不适合做这工。

637. bonehead:stupid, silly, That is a bonehead thing to do. 简直是胡来。Don’t be such a bonehead. 不要胡来好不好!

638. Finish your homework before you skedaddle away. 溜走前把作业做完。skedaddle 一般是对小孩说的。

639. riffraff 白丁,Don’t hang around with those riffraff. 不要和这些没教养的人混在一起。

640. Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ. Romans 10:17 可见信道是从听道来的,听道是从基督的话来的。

 青春就应该这样绽放  游戏测试:三国时期谁是你最好的兄弟!!  你不得不信的星座秘密

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