651. He doesn’t know how to manage his money, and he has already landed himself almost 10,000 Yuan in debt. 他不会管理钱财,已经负了一万块钱的债。Landl作动词用为“陷入、找到”解释。He landed a good job immediately after his graduation. 他一毕业就找到了一份不错的工作。
652. He thought he would have a world
of infinite possibilities when he graduated from college, but what
he got was only unemployment. 他以为大学毕业后会拥有一片天高任鸟飞的机会,但是他面对的却是失业。a
world of infinite possibilities一个机会无限的世界。或者说a promising
future。College education offers a promising future to young people.
653. A glass of red wine a day could
keep tumors at bay, according to a study of men with lung
cancer. 一项对男子肺碍研究的报告表明:每天红酒一杯可以防癌。keep something
at bay 不让某物近身;防止恶化。But white wine seemed to have the opposite
effect. 但是白酒却有相反的效应。I need to keep my hunger at bay until
654. out of the blue, 突然,Out of the
blue, he started yelling at everyone. 他突然对大家大声嚷了起来。She creates
fabulous meals seemingly out of the
655. USA is a cultural melange.
美国是个文化大熔炉。Globalization will bring a cultural mélange to China. So
don’t be surprised that many people want to learn English.
656. 熔炉,更通俗的说法是melting
pot. American society has often been described as
a melting pot. 人们通常用熔炉来描述美国社会。
657. a cultural mosaic,
658. He dipped his food twice at the
sauce. Double dipping is just gross.
他两次把食物去沾佐料。重复沾佐料太恶心。That’s like putting your whole mouth right in
the dip! 这就好像是把整个嘴都舔进佐料了。
659. Her creative idea won her a lot
of oohs and aahs from her co-workers. oohs and aahs
660. He has showed you, O man, what
is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and
to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.Micah 6:8
青春就应该这样绽放 游戏测试:三国时期谁是你最好的兄弟!! 你不得不信的星座秘密