原文地址:[词汇资料] LEC(法律英语证书考试)词汇系列6作者:英语资源
AGENCY REGULATIONS – rules adopted by an administration agency
(such as the Department of State or the Department of Natural
Resources) to govern matters under the jurisdiction of the
行政规章;行政法规ADMINISTRATIV ORDERS – orders issued by the State Supreme Court to regulate court procedures.
ADMINISTRATIVE REVOCATION – the taking of a driver's license by the Motor Vehicle Division, through law enforcement agents and administrative law judges without involvement by the courts.
1. the chief administrative officer of a court (usually "court administrator").
2. a person appointed by a court to administer the estate of a deceased person. This person is referred to as a "personal representative" (if acting with court supervision), or an independent personal representative" (acting out court supervision). A female administrator is called an "administrax".
ADMINISTRATOR DE BONIS NON – in case where the administration of a decedent's estate is left unfinished due to the death, removal, or resignation of the personal representative, a court may appoint a new personal representative to complete administration of the estate. In some jurisdictions, the new personal representative is called the "administrator de bonis non."
ADMISSIBLE EVIDENCE – evidence that can be legally and properly introduced in a civil or criminal trial.
ADMONISH – to advise or caution. For example the court may caution or ad monish counsel or a witness for improper courtroom conduct.
ADOPTION – the act by which a person takes the child of another into his or her family and makes the child for all legal purposes his or her own child.
ADULT – a person who has reached the age of majority.
ADULTERY – voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a person not his or her spouse.
AD VALOREM – (of the levying of tax or customs duties) in proportion to the estimated value of the goods or transaction concerned.
ADVANCE DIRECTIVE – a written statement of a person's wishes regarding treatment often including a living will made to ensure those wishes are carried out should they be unable to communicate them to a doctor.
ADVERSARIAL – (of a trial or legal procedure) in which the parties in a dispute have the responsibility for finding and presenting evidence.
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