971. 北美印第安人的文化特征之一就是图腾,所以现在totem这个词也非常流行。图腾上雕刻着许多人和动物,有些人在上,有些人在下。You know I am at the bottom of the totem pole in this organization. I am afraid I can’t help you much. 你知道我在这个机构里是人微言轻,恐怕帮不上你什么忙。They are at the bottom of the economic totem pole. 也有人说:I am the low man on the totem pole. 意思是每个人都是我的上级。At the bottom of the totem pole相反的说法则是at the top of the totem pole. When I was young, I was too worried about my position on the social totem pole. 我年轻时总是为自己的社会地位担忧。Your hard working will take you to the next level of the totem pole. 你勤奋努力,必定能出人头地。
972. top-tier
顶尖的,This is a top tier college. 这是所最好的学校。top-tier status 高层,
top-tier students 优秀学生。His family is poor, so he has to settle for
a third tier college instead of Beijing University.
他家境贫寒,所以他只能选择了一所三流的大学,而放弃了北大。 a third tier 第三流的. I feel like a
second-tier friend to him. 我觉得我对他来说并不是一个重要的朋友。two-tier 双轨的,We have
a two-tier education system: private and public.
973. a topflight
college 顶尖大学。What you need to do is to identify topflight schools
in your area. 你应该把你所在地的最好学校都一一挑选出来。
974. top notch: We
provide top notch services. 我们的服务最为优良。
975. This outsize
success has placed Xi at the pinnacle of power in Chinese politics.
976. The album
continues to lock up the top slot on the list for a fourth week in
a row. 这张唱片一连四周获得排名榜上第一名。
977. Find out what
he did right and what he did wrong so you can climb up to the top
rungs of the corporate ladder . . . and stay there!
你从他的成与败中可以学到很多东西,由此你就可以爬到公司的最高层……..并成为不倒翁。The price of moving up an
rung on the career ladder is too high for most people.
978. glass
ceiling:玻璃顶;因着歧视,一个人无法升职(有一种拦阻,但你却无法看见)。Non Party members face the
glass ceiling in their promotion in government positions.
979. The sky is the
limit. “天高任鸟飞”之意,或者说“上不封顶”。这是一句鼓励人的话:Work hard, young man, only the
sky is the limit. 年轻人,努力吧,你的前途无可限量。
980. Listen, my
son, to your father's instruction and do not forsake your mother's
teaching.Proverbs 1:8 我儿,要听你父亲的训诲,不可离弃你母亲的法则。(或作指教)
青春就应该这样绽放 游戏测试:三国时期谁是你最好的兄弟!! 你不得不信的星座秘密