谊年二十余,最为少。每诏令议下, 诸老先生未能言,谊尽为之对,人人各如其意所出。诸生于是以为能。
冯树鉴 编译:
Speedy Promotion
Jia Yi was the youngest supreme official in the Han imperial court, for he was then only in his early twenties. Whenever the emperor called in all officials to discuss the affairs of state, if the senior scholars failed to give a prompt answer, Jia could always reply to the emperor’s questions one by one in place of them, with answers that expressed exactly what each official had in mind. Therefore Jia was considered as a gifted scholar.
The emperor, who liked Jia very much, broke a rule to promote him. Within one year, Jia was elevated to be a chief consultant.
青春就应该这样绽放 游戏测试:三国时期谁是你最好的兄弟!! 你不得不信的星座秘密