The Merry Mate
by Petite (Ning Hsin-er)
The early autumn sun, it shines so fine,
and clouds in water drift slow, clear and light;
occasional breezes come, messing the shades,
as glist'ning fish in ripples leave streaks.
She in color’d-ribbon hat looks like a song,
her white gown a nice foil for her skirt long.
Arranging forehead hair now and again,
she wears a sweet smile, his favor to win.
Scansion:(in near or part rhyme)
The ear-/ly au-/tumn sun, /it shines /so fine, 10
and clouds/ in wa-/ter drift /slow, clear /and light; 10
oc-ca-/sion-al /breeze comes,/ mess-ing/ the shades, 10
as glis-/t'ning fish/ in rip-/ples leave/ ^ streaks. 10
she in col-/or’d-rib-/bon hat /looks like/ a song, 10
her white/ gown a nice/ foil for/ her skirt/ ^ long. 10
Ar-rang-/ing fore-/head
hair /now and
she wears/ a sweet /^ smile, /his
fa-/vor to win.10
Version 2
The early autumn sun, it shines so bright,
and clouds in water drift slow, clear and light;
occasional breeze comes, to stir the shade,
as glist'ning fish in ripples trail'd n delayed.
she in color’d-ribbon hat looks like a song,
the white gown a nice foil for her skirt long.
Her tresses she arranges now and again,
a smile on her face sweet, his favor to gain.
Scansion:(in full rhyme)
The ear-/ly au-/tumn sun, /it shines /so bright, 10
and clouds/ in wa-/ter drift /slow, clear /and light; 10
oc-ca-/sion-al /breeze comes,/ to stir/ the shade, 10
as glis-/t'ning fish/ in rip-/ples trail'd/ n de-layed. 10
she in col-/or’d-rib-/bon hat /looks like/ a song, 10
the white/ gown a nice/ foil for/ her skirt/ ^ long. 10
Her tress-/es she /ar-rang-/es now and/ a-gain, 10
a smile/ on her /face sweet,/his fa-/vor to gain. 11
馨注:铁冰的译文每行10个音节,韵式为ABAB ABAB,用词精当,且意象更美,译功之深厚,非我所能及.......试着把它回译成下面的“自由诗”,作为课后作业,也方便不读英语的博友参阅。
青春就应该这样绽放 游戏测试:三国时期谁是你最好的兄弟!! 你不得不信的星座秘密