babble, 含糊不清地说;兴奋地说,有种讲话叽里咕噜的感觉 to speak quickly in a way that is difficult to understand or sounds silly, 也或者形容一堆人同时在说话,嘈杂
blather, 废话,有种絮絮叨叨的感觉,中世纪的时候,但丁管意大利托斯卡纳区的语言叫做“idiotic blather”愚蠢的废话,自黑诶,哈哈哈
gibberish, 莫名其妙的话,胡扯, something you write or say that has no meaning, or is very difficult to understand. 比如you are talking gibberish, 你在胡言乱语什么呢!让我想起了,穿球鞋的女孩都是好女孩,诸如此类的话~
jabber, 急切而含混不清地说, 激动而口齿不清地说to talk quickly in an excited and unclear way – used to show disapproval 有点叽里呱啦的感觉,或者用东北话说吵吵巴火的~
litany, 连祷文,也指冗长而枯燥的陈述, 不知道为什么很喜欢这个词,可能是觉得它长得顺眼吧
mumbo-jumbo, technical language that is difficult to understand and makes no sense, 比如法律,宗教之类的听起来很厉害但是不知所云,比较晦涩的话,用于口语。有好心人提醒我于是就把它也加进来了~
nonsense, 胡说,废话, speech or writing that has no meaning or cannot be understood, 或者ideas, opinions, etcstatements that are not true or that seem very stupid 废话里的正宫!
prattle, 闲扯;空谈;喋喋不休 to talk continuously about silly and unimportant things, 有种墨迹的没完没了的感觉,让我想起祥林嫂
rubbish, 废话;胡说八道a statement is foolish or wrong, 应该可以和gibberish 互换吧~
wrangle, 争吵,是形容没完没了又复杂的争论,可以从国际纠纷形容到俩人抬杠
yammer, 无聊话, 抱怨,to talk continuously in a way that is annoying, yammer是个非正式用词,比如一到过年七大姑八大姨问你怎么还不结婚
青春就应该这样绽放 游戏测试:三国时期谁是你最好的兄弟!! 你不得不信的星座秘密