原文地址:凤凰花开,我最犹豫的时候作者:黄橙视觉 清晨时遍地落英 入夜又回到你的枝头 没有人知道 你用怎样的巫术 瞬间修复了青春的倦容 梦醒来 拾起一枚花瓣 想起一年里那些寂寞 听得见风雨迷乱 在你最美的时候 世界格外的暖 音乐响起,艳光四射 舞台下无数的头和双臂摇晃 到了离开你的时候 我总是犹豫不决 繁花散尽,辉煌过后 你的身影是否成双 你最美的时候 是我最犹豫的时候...
View Article(视频)英音中英文字幕莎士比亚《亨利四世 下篇》
(视频)英音中英文字幕莎士比亚《亨利四世 下篇》 点击欣赏 http://www.letv.com/ptv/vplay/1693187.html 青春就应该这样绽放 游戏测试:三国时期谁是你最好的兄弟!! 你不得不信的星座秘密
View Article[转载]【每日文化】大跌眼镜 英媒评出最具影响力的10本书(双语)
原文地址:【每日文化】大跌眼镜 英媒评出最具影响力的10本书(双语)作者:外研社 Throughout history, books have disseminated the ideas and discoveries of the world’s most influential thinkers....
View ArticleShakespeare Glossary: Y (1--10)
Shakespeare Glossary: Y (1--10) YARE: ready, nimble, brisk. YARELY: adv. readily. YAW: unsteady. YCLAD: clad, clothed. YCLEPED: called, named. YCLIPPED: do. YEARN: to grieve, vex....
View ArticleShakespeare Glossary: Z (1--6) (末)
Shakespeare Glossary: Z (1--6) (末) ZANY: a buffoon who imitates fools and jesters. ZEAL: zeal of. ZENITH: highest point of one's fortune. ZODIAC: used for "year". ZONE: path of the sun (see...
View ArticleShakespeare Glossary: C (11--20)
Shakespeare Glossary: C (11--20) CAESAR: supreme ruler; emperor. CAGE (1): a prison. CAGE (2): a wicker-work basket. CAIN-COLOURED: red (supposed color of Cain's hair). CAITIFF: a...
View ArticleShakespeare Glossary: D (11--20)
Shakespeare Glossary: D (11--20) DANKISH: dank, humid. DANSKERS: Danes (Hamlet, 2.1). DAPHNE: a beautiful nymph loved by Apollo and Leucippus. The gods turned her into a laurel tree. DARE:...
View ArticleShakespeare Glossary: E (11--20)
Shakespeare Glossary: E (11--20) 莎士比亚的glossary也被你“非法字符”,我CAO你大爷,伟光正! 青春就应该这样绽放 游戏测试:三国时期谁是你最好的兄弟!! 你不得不信的星座秘密
View Article[转载]赵彦春英译《道德经》第40章
原文地址:赵彦春英译《道德经》第40章作者:赵彦春赵彦春英译《道德经》第40章 反者道之动。弱者道之用。天下万物生於有,有生於无。 Recursion is the work of the Word; frailness is the use of the Word. Everything on earth is begotten from Real, and Real from Nil....
View Article[转载]赵彦春英译《道德经》第42章
原文地址:赵彦春英译《道德经》第42章作者:赵彦春 赵彦春英译《道德经》第42章 道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物。万物负阴而抱阳,冲气以为和。人之所恶,唯孤、寡、不谷,而王公以为称。故物或损之而益,或益之而损。人之所教,我亦教之。强梁者不得其死,吾将以为教父。 The Word begets one, one begets two, two beget three, and three...
View Article英译学术论文摘要【五十四】
原文地址:英译学术论文摘要【五十四】作者:啮书轩主人 英译学术论文摘要【五十四】 一、生命意识:新时期散文研究的新的理论基点 二、试论新时期画家传记的文学性 I. Life Consciousness: A New Theoretical Starting Point on Prose...
View Article英译学术论文摘要【五十五】
原文地址:英译学术论文摘要【五十五】作者:啮书轩主人 英译学术论文摘要【五十五】 一、袁世凯与山东义和团 二、薛凤祚会通中西的努力及失败原因分析 I. Yuan Shikai and Shandong Boxers 袁世凯与山东义和团 On account of his awareness that the tough enemies...
View ArticleShakespeare Glossary: F (11--20)
Shakespeare Glossary: F (11--20) FAll: to let fall. FALLOW: fawn-coloured. FALSE: falsehood. FALSING: deceptive. FAMILIAR: a familiar spirit. FANCY-FREE: untouched by love. FANG: to...
View ArticleShakespeare Glossary: G (11--20)
Shakespeare Glossary: G (11--20) GARBOIL: disorder, uproar. GARISH: gaudy, staring. GARNER: to lay by, as corn in a barn. GAST: frightened. GAUDY: festive. GAZE: an object of wonder....
View ArticleShakespeare Glossary: H (11--20)
Shakespeare Glossary: H (11--20) HALF-CAPS: a hat tipped slightly as a greeting. HALF-CHEEK: side-face. HALF-FACE: thin face. HALF-KIRTLE: jacket; petticoat. HALF-PART: half. HALFPENCE:...
View ArticleShakespeare Glossary: I (11--20)
Shakespeare Glossary: I (11--20) IMPEACH: to bring into question. IMPEACH: impeachment. IMPEACHMENT: cause of censure, hindrance. IMPERCEIVERANT: duff of perception. IMPETICOS: to pocket....
View ArticleShakespeare Glossary: J (11--20)
Shakespeare Glossary: J (11--20) JERKIN: sheriff's coat. JESS: a strap of leather. JEST: to tilt in a tournament. JET: to strut. JOHN-A-DREAMS: a daydreamer. JOURNAL: daily. JOVIAL:...
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