Lao She the Unlikely Londoner
by Robin Gilbank
(英) 罗宾·吉尔班克
胡宗锋 译
In 1913 a theatrical company staged an Anglo-Chinese play known as “Mr. Wu,” first in the provinces and then in London. Briefly the story is that of the diabolical revenge of an Oxford-educated Chinese for the seduction of his daughter by the son of an English shipper in Hong-Kong. Its plot is as follows:-
ACT I. – Mr. Wu’s gardens in Kowloon. Basil Gregory makes love to Miss. Wu, his “Celestial One.” He tells her of his impending departure for England. She asks him to take her along, since their terrible secret has already made them man and wife. He pleads that his parents will never consent to their marriage and, promising to return shortly, dissuades her from her intention. Mr. Wu, the merchant, appears and, brushing his daughter aside, orders his servants to seize her paramour and incarcerate him.
ACT II. – Mr. Gregory’s shipping office in Hong-Kong. He is leaden-hearted at the non-appearance of his son. One of his ships is scuttled, his labourers go on strike, etc. in his opinion, Mr. Wu, his business rival, is at the bottom of it all. At his request Wu comes to talk business. Gregory turns the key of his door and covers him with a Webley revolver. Wu reminds G. that people in England never do business in that unceremonious fashion and induces him, in proof of his good faith, to put it down and empty its contents. G. complies and Wu counts the cartridges one by one. All the while the latter transports them to his side of the table and inserts them into his own Webley. Wu covers G. and bids him ring for the servant. The latter appears and G. tells them in French that he is a prisoner. Wu exclaims in French: “No, no; I am the prisoner, not Mr. Gregory. Please ask Mrs. Gregory to come.” Mrs. G. enters and Wu explains the situation. He insists on G. leaving the room and prefers to discuss matters with her. Exit G. Wu tells her that if she will go to his house that evening, he may be able to inform her of her son’s whereabouts. She accepts and will not apprise her husband.
ACT III. – Mr. Wu’s drawing-room in Kowloon. He sends for Basil and tells him of his mother’s coming. What will Wu do with her? Basil has no sister, so his mother will atone for his sins. Exit B. Mrs. G. arrives, accompanied by an amah. Wu insists on the latter’s retiring. Mr. G. refuses. Wu reminds her that people in England never take their maids into their friends’ drawing-rooms. Exit the amah. He explains to her his curios and estimates their values. She asks for news of her son. He heeds her not. He toys with a sword, one of his mural decorations, and remarks that his ancestor slew with it his child as well as the man who dishonoured her. He tells her that he, too, had a daughter (he had already killed her), that Basil is her seducer, and that in accordance with “an eye for an eye,” he will wreak his vengeance. He states that her son is next door and will be restored to her if she will pay the penalty. She tries to escape but finds herself locked in. He indicates the only available exit, viz., into his bedroom. He enters his chamber and leaves her to make up her mind. She calls for her amah and the latter throws a phial of poison through the skylight. She decides to face the worst and empties the drug into her cup of tea. Wu re-appears, arrayed in a state of partial undress. He notices her paleness of colour and suspects foul play. He exchanges the cups and feints that he wishes to drink for that which has touched her sweet lips. He drinks and gasps for breath. He clutches the sword and attempts to strike her. He misses and lurches forward – dead. In falling, his falling knocks the gong, the pre-arranged signal for his domestics to throw open all doors. Mother and son are reunited and make their escape.
The above outline is cold and bare. It is inadequate to convey to the reader those emotions he would have experienced in the theatre. The drama as acted is powerful and intense, and the playgoer will not easily forget its feeling of eerie creepiness or that of disgust and nauseousness. But the plot is un-Chinese and we were afraid that this attempt to foist it upon the British public as a specimen of modern Chinese civilization might engender prejudices unfavourable to the Chinese in their midst.
(Min-Ch’ien T. Z. Tyau, London Through Chinese Eyes, or My Seven and a Half Years in London. London: the Swarthmore Press, Ltd., 1920, pp. 293-4).
——引自刁敏谦 著 《留英管窥记》斯沃斯莫尔出版社,1920年,293-294页
The Guangdong-born lawyer Diao Minqian (1888-?) could have and did fill an entire book with anecdotes about the cross-cultural misunderstandings he encountered in his time as a student in London. He was clearly wearing his diplomatic hat when recalling how he and two friends were asked to offer advice on the aforesaid piece of theatrical schlock. Rather than voicing their disgust at having their countrymen slandered in such a way the trio backed off without comment to the production company. This play, Mr. Wu by Harold Owen and Maurice Vernon, did not die a death in its repertory tour, but went onto fill auditoria on both sides of the Atlantic, being adapted into a British film in 1920 and an American remake in 1927. The US version starred Lon Chaney, best known for playing grotesques such as Quasimodo and the Phantom of the Opera, as the titular villain, also having in its cast the superstar Anna May Wong in a woefully small supporting role. Her relegation from the romantic lead (Miss. Wu was portrayed by a French ingénue) was an ironic case of life mirroring art. Bowing to pressure from a public that was highly sensitive, and decidedly racist in certain quarters, the Hollywood studios resisted presenting interracial couplings onscreen. This was to the detriment of the careers of Ms. Wong and other Asian actresses, yet was to the benefit other white stars with a non-Caucasian look. Had it not been for this otherwise unconscionable embargo, the German-Jewish Louise Rainer, who died in December 2014 a fortnight shy of reaching the age of 105, would probably have not been cast as O-Lan in the movie version of Pearl S. Buck’s The Good Earth, the role for which she earned her second consecutive Best Actress Oscar.
广东出生的律师刁敏谦(1988——?)完全可以写一本书来描述自己当年在伦敦读书期间,遇到的类似这样的跨文化误解。当他回忆有人问他和自己的两个朋友前面提到的舞台上的拙劣表演时,他当时显然还有一个外交官的头衔。他们三人没有明言讨厌这种对自己同胞的造谣中伤,而是绝口不提这个剧团。《吴先生》的编剧是哈罗德·欧文和莫里斯·弗农,这部剧在巡演中不但没有夭折,反而在大西洋两岸达到了座无虚席的程度。1920年在英国被改编为电影,1927年美国又重拍。美国版的主演是朗·钱尼(Lon Chaney),以扮演形象怪诞或受折磨的角色而出名,他塑造最为成功的角色有《巴黎圣母院》里的敲钟人卡西莫多和《歌剧魅影》中的埃里克 ,都是有残疾的怪人。参加演出的还有超级影星黄柳霜,在剧中可悲的出任一个配角。她没有出演浪漫女一号(出演吴小姐的是位法国少女)实乃艺术即人生写照的一个讽刺实例。面对敏感的大众和部分顽固的种族主义分子的压力,好莱坞屈服了,不敢在银幕上表现跨种族的恋爱。这对黄小姐和其它亚裔女演员的演艺事业不公,但却有益于那些没有白人面孔的白人女明星。要是没有这种无意识的限制,德裔犹太演员露易丝·赖娜(Louise Rainer)(2014年12月在其105岁生日到来的两周前去世)就没有可能出演赛珍珠《大地》中的阿兰,这个角色让她第二次获得奥斯卡最佳女演员奖。
汉语原文刊登在《美文》2015年第9期 (未完待续)