Tears to the Dust
by Petite(Ning Hxin-erh)
Spring was like a call to me 春天像一个召唤,
That I could not answer, 而我却无法应答;
I was chained to loneliness, 我曾被孤独锁着,
I, the dancer. 是那孤独舞者。
From Sara Teasdale --- 摘自“莎拉.蒂斯代尔”诗句
My heart is brimful of echoes 心中满溢回声,
Not knowing from where… 不知来自何处…
Though night is mild, it sows 虽则夜色温柔,
As seeds of last spring dare. 播撒春粒无数。
The neighbors bustle like bee, 邻人忙碌如蜂,
When spring proceeds a-way… 春正慢慢淡出…
He’s miles and miles from me, 他在千里之外,
And colors fading day by day; 繁花逐褪丽色。
My petals are all falling 我的花瓣在落,
Since HE blew his breaths past; 他曾吹气于我;
My tree is numb of swaying, 馨树怠于摇曳,
Dripping tears to the dust. 清泪滴入尘土。
Tears to the Dust
by Petite(Ning Hxin-erh)
My heart is brim-ful of ech-oes
Not know-ing from where…
Though night is mild,it sows
As seeds of last spring dare.
The neigh-bors bus-tle like bee,
When spring pro-ceeds a-way…
He’s miles and miles from me,
And col-ors fad-ing day by day;
The pet-als are a-fall-ing
Since HE blew his breaths past;
My tree is numb of sway-ing,
Drip-ping tears to the dust.
To be revised...Thanks for coming:)