英国文学选读要点Chapter 5(61--66)(终)
The Modern Period现代时期
(VI)James Joyce詹姆斯.乔伊斯
61. Joyce published his first novel A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. The title of the novel suggests a character study with strong autobiographical elements. The novel can be read as a naturalistic account of the hero’s bitter experiences and final artistic and spiritual liberation.1916年,乔伊斯第一部长篇小说《艺术家年轻时代的肖像》出版。小说的题目暗示着角色塑造有自传成分。这部作品可以说是自然主义的,描述了主人公痛苦的生活经历及最后艺术与精神上的解放。
62. Ulysses, Joyce’s masterpiece, has became a prime example of modernism in literature. The three major characters are: Leopold Bloom, an Irish Jew, his wife, Marion Tweedy Bloom, and Stephen Dedalus, the protagonist in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.乔伊斯真正的代表作是《尤利西斯》,这部小说是现代主义文学的首要典范。只有三个主要角色:爱尔兰的犹太人利奥普尔德.布鲁姆,他的妻子马丽翁.T.布鲁姆以及史蒂芬.德达拉斯,也就是《艺术家年轻时代的画像》中的主人公。
63. In Ulysses, the events of the day seem to be trivial, insignificant or even banal. But below the surface of the events, the natural flow of mental reflections, the shifting moods and impulses in the characters’ inner world are richly presented in an unprecedentedly frank and penetrating way.在《尤利西斯》小说中,这一天内发生的事情极为琐碎,毫无意义,甚至非常陈腐。但在这平庸的表面下陷藏着自然的意识流,反映了角色内心的思想活动及心情与冲动的变化转移,表达空前直白,极富穿透力。
64. This literary approach to the presentation of psychological aspects of characters is usually termed as “stream of consciousness.” And Joyce is regarded as the most prominent stream-of-consciousness novelist, concentrating on revealing in his novels the psychic being of the characters.这种表达角色心理状态的文学手法便是“意识流”。而乔伊斯则是最伟大的意识流小说家。
65. Another remarkable feature of Joyce’s writings is his style. His own style is a straightforward one, lucid, logical and leisurely; subtlety, economy and exactness are his standards.But when he tries to render the so-called stream of consciousness, the style changes: incomplete, rapid, broken wording and fragmentary sentences are the typical features, which reflect the shifting, flirting, disorderly flow of thoughts in the major characters’mind.乔 伊斯小说的另一个特点是他的文体风格,他本身的文风直白,清晰,富于逻辑而游刃有余;细微,简洁,精确也是他的语言标准。然而一旦进入“意识流”,他的文 风便陡转急变:处处可见不完整,短促,支离破碎的语句和措辞,这些都如实反映出角色的思想意识的怪异多变,闪烁不定及杂乱无章。
66. “Araby” from Dubliners
This tale of the frustrated quest for beauty in the midst of drabness is both meticulously realistic in its handling of details of Dublin Life and the Dublin scene and highly symbolic in that almost every image and incident suggests some particular aspect of the theme.《都柏林人》:这则故事主题是在单调乏味的环境包围下对美的追求的挫败,故事既富于现实主义又富于象征主义,现实主义在于它细致入微的描述了都柏林的景观与生活,象征主义在于每一个意象每一件事都暗示着主题的某个方面。