The Prelude(序诗)
Shallow and light, 轻浅诗行,
poems for th’bright… 亦趋明光。
away from th’stares, 不堪瞪视,
away from th’cares… 不堪嗔痴。
The twist-and-turns, 幽婉曲折,
the Lot that burns… 其命如烹。
Who could us tell? 孰能料知,
It does compel… 其催有时。
It has to flow, 流水不休,
a need of th' soul. 灵之诉求。
It will not rest, 憩止何时?
but in sea's breast. 瀚海有知。
by Petite(Ning Hsin-erh), 21:40,Sept. 2nd, 2013.
青春就应该这样绽放 游戏测试:三国时期谁是你最好的兄弟!! 你不得不信的星座秘密