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31. nuts, 果仁,核,
a)  口语意为“疯子”,多用复数,但也有用单数的,He is nuts.或He is a nut.他有神经病。Are you nuts?你有病呀!Here is something that drives me nuts. 这就是让我头疼得不得了的事。a religious nut, 宗教狂热分子。Is Teacher X a religious nut? He went nuts and killed a guy.他发疯了,杀了一个人。You are driving me nuts. 你真是要把我逼疯。
b)  a tough nut to crack, 一项艰巨的任务,一个难解之题。
c)  I am a golf nut. 我是个铁杆高尔夫球迷。
d)  He is nutty. 他很难缠。


32. rut, 日常的,每天都如此。
How is everything? 还好吗?I am just stuck in a rut, doing the same things every day. I wish I could do something different.烦死了,每天都是干同样的活,我真想换个活法。be stuck / get in a rut,日复一日,天天如此。


33. 有个电视剧,名为Same drama, different day.还有首歌,名为Same thing, different day. 表达的都是一个意思:日子不同,生活老套!同样的有:Same Old Stuff, Different Day. 缩写为SOSDD. 有人问,你好吗?你发牢骚说:Same old stuff, just a different day… Still here, still bored. 只是换了一天,一切照常,还吊在这里,仍旧无聊。根据这个句型,有人收到了许多垃圾邮件时说:Same junk mail, different day.


34. You're probably set in your ways and afraid of change. 你或许已经生活僵化,害怕改变。


35. What exactly are you giving her besides an open wallet? 除了能给她大把钞票外,你还能给她什么呢?an open wallet, 敞开的荷包,这里意思是“钱多”。To those bureaucrats, the government equals an open wallet. 对于这些官僚而言,政府就是一个敞开的金库。


36. I am not your ATM machine. 我不是你的自动提款机。


37. I am not an open checkbook to you. 我又不是你的财主。an open checkbook 任由你填写的支票簿。比较a blank check,意思差不多,也是任由你可以填写的支票。Biden promised a blank check to the union leaders. 拜登给工会领袖许了丰厚的诺言。注意:空头支票是a bad check, or a bounced check。


38. The harder you work, the luckier you get. 幸运总是伴随着努力。越努力越幸运。


39. You are inches away from being fired. 你差一点就被解雇了。A peace deal is inches away. 和平协议指日可待。


40. In the beginning, God created the heavens and earth. 起初神创造天地。注意,“天”要用复数。像waters,等,表示浩瀚。(创世记1:1)

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