尚书 The Book of History -- 《洛诰-- Announcement concerning Luo》(James Legge 英译)(3)
洛诰: 王曰:“公!予小子其退,即辟于周,命公后。四方迪乱未定,于宗礼亦未克敉,公功迪将,其后监我士师工,诞保文武受民,乱为四辅。”
Announcement concerning Luo: The king said, 'O duke, let me, the little child, return to my sovereignty in Zhou, and I charge you, O duke, to remain behind (here). Order has been initiated throughout the four quarters of the kingdom, but the ceremonies to be honoured (by general observance) have not yet been settled, and I cannot look on your service as completed. Commence on a great scale what is to be done by your remaining here, setting an example to my officers and greatly preserving the people whom Wen and Wû received; by your good government you will be a help to the whole kingdom.'
The king said, 'Remain, O duke. I will certainly go. Your services are devoutly acknowledged and reverently rejoiced in. Do not, O duke, occasion me this difficulty. I on my part will not be weary in seeking the tranquillity (of the people); do not let the example which you have afforded me be intermitted. So shall the kingdom enjoy for generations (the benefit of your virtue).'