尚书 The Book of History -- 《立政--Establishment of Government》(James Legge 英译)(3)
立政: 呜呼!孺子王矣!继自今我其立政。立事、准人、牧夫,我其克灼知厥若,丕乃俾乱;相我受民,和我庶狱庶慎。时则勿有间之,自一话一言。我则末惟成德之彦,以乂我受民。
Establishment of Government: 'Oh! young son, the king, from this time forth be it ours to establish the government, appointing the (high) officers, the officers of the laws, and the pastors; be it ours clearly to know what courses are natural to these men, and then fully to employ them in the government, that they may aid us in the management of the people whom we have received, and harmoniously conduct all litigations and precautionary measures. And let us allow others to come between us and them. (Yea), in our every word and speech, let us be thinking of (these) officers of complete virtue, to regulate the people that we have received.
立政: 呜呼!予旦已受人之徽言咸告孺子王矣。继自今文子文孙,其勿误于庶狱庶慎,惟正是乂之。
Establishment of Government: 'Oh! I, Dan, have received these excellent words of others, and tell them all to you, young son, the king. From this time forth, O accomplished son (of Wu), accomplished grandson (of Wen), do not err in regard to the litigations and precautionary measures - let the proper officers manage them.
立政: 自古商人亦越我周文王立政,立事、牧夫、准人,则克宅之,克由绎之,兹乃俾乂,国则罔有。立政用憸人,不训于德,是罔显在厥世。继自今立政,其勿以憸人,其惟吉士,用励相我国家。
Establishment of Government: 'From of old to the founder of Shang, and downwards to king Wen of our Zhou, in establishing government, when they appointed (high) officers, pastors, and officers of the laws, they settled them in their positions, And allowed them to unfold their talents; thus giving the regulation of affairs into their hands. In the kingdom, never has there been the establishment of government by the employment of artful-tongued men; (with such men), unlessoned in virtue, never can a government be distinguished in the world. From this time forth, in establishing government, make no use of artful-tongued men, but (seek for) good officers, and get them to use all their powers in aiding the government of our country.
立政: 今文子文孙,孺子王矣!其勿误于庶狱,惟有司之牧夫。其克诘尔戎兵以陟禹之迹,方行天下,至于海表,罔有不服。以觐文王之耿光,以扬武王之大烈。呜呼!继自今后王立政,其惟克用常人。”
Establishment of Government: 'Now, O accomplished son (of Wu), accomplished grandson (of Wen), young son, the king, do not err in the matter of litigations; there are the officers and pastors (to attend to them). Have well arranged (also) your military accoutrements and weapons, so that you may go forth beyond the steps of Yu, and traverse all under the sky, even to beyond the seas, everywhere meeting with submission: so shall you display the bright glory of king Wen, and render more illustrious the great achievements of king Wu. Oh! from this time forth, may (our) future kings, in establishing the government, be able to employ men of constant virtue!'
立政: 周公若曰:“太史!司寇苏公式敬尔由狱,以长我王国。兹式有慎,以列用中罚。”
Establishment of Government: The duke of Zhou spoke to the following effect: 'O grand historiographer, the duke of Su, the Minister of Crime, dealt reverently with all the criminal matters that came before him, and thereby perpetuated the fortunes of our kingdom. Here was an example of anxious solicitude (for future ministers), whereby they may rank with him in the ordering of the appropriate punishments.'