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601. shrink 意为“收缩”,口语里的意思是“心理学家”。He got a shrink degree. 他得了一个心理学学位。有时有点嘲讽的味道。You need to see a shrink. (你头脑有问题)你得看看心理医生了。

602. 当有人向你致谢“Thank you”时,很随意的口语回答是:Anytime. 或者You bet.

603. Please do not stretch yourself too thin and miss the time needed to recharge yourself and to be connected with your family. 不要太忙了,给自己留点时间,充充电,和家人多在一起。stretch too thin 忙得晕头转向。

604. I am knee deep in debt. 我欠了一身的债。knee deep in 深深陷入,投入:I'm knee-deep in work at the moment, so I'm not stopping for lunch. 我现在忙得不可开交,没时间去吃饭。还有一个类似的说法hip deep: He is hip-deep in writing his book. 他一头扎进了写书。

605. 这两个“水域”在此意思很相近,都不是很好的境况:I am in financial hot water. 我现在的财务相当吃紧。I feel like I am in uncharted waters. 我感到一头雾水,不知道前面的方向。Recently he finds himself in neck-deep water. 最近他发现处境不妙。

606. I have a hectic daily timetable. 我每天忙得不亦乐乎。
607. The professor trashes conservative proposals as well as liberal nostrums. 这位教授把保守派的提案以及自由派的所谓良方都贬得一钱不值。Trash可作名词,也可作动词,把什么当垃圾,把什么贬得一钱不值。nostrum是“任何病都能治的药”,相当于前面提过的snake oil。

608. A guy named 尴尬者 has tried to trivialize Teacher X's work, but Teacher X’s post has got the most readers. What can he do? 有个名叫“尴尬者”的人想着法子要贬低信老师的文章,但是信老师的帖读者最多,他又能怎样呢?

609. I am not your guinea pig, give me the right medicine. 我又不是你的几内亚猪,给我点对路的药。制造商常常拿guinea用来试验新药。但是guinea pig并不是真正的猪,而是天竺鼠(a rodent),产于南美。南美人喂养天竺鼠就像我们喂养猪,用来做食品的。

610. Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1 11:1 信就是所望之事的实底,是未见之事的确据。

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