881. 美国人喜欢用这个句型开玩笑。There is a theory that there are two kinds of people in this world: people…; people…. 有种说法,这个世界上只有两类人,一类是…,另一类是…。例如:I believe there are only two kinds of people in the business world, fast people and dead people. 我相信在生意场上,只有两类人,一类是行动快的人,一类是死人。(言下之意就是如果你动作慢了,就会被淘汰。)有个移民说:There are only two kinds of people in the world: people who are living in America, people who want to live in America. 如果你是自我优越感强的北京人,你就可以套这个句型了。There are two kinds of women in this world: women who love to put on makeup, and women who don’t want to put it off. 这个世界上只有两类女人,一是喜欢化妆的女人,一是不愿卸妆的女人。There are two kinds of people in this world: those who ride Harley-Davidsons and those who wish they did. 世界上只有两类人,一是骑哈雷族,一是但愿自己属哈雷族。(这是哈雷的广告词。)我上次套这个句型说了这样一句话,把周围人逗乐了:There are only two kinds of c bureaucrats: the corrupted ones and the ones yet to be corrupted. 只有两类GCD官员,一类是已经腐败了,一类是就要腐败了。记住,这个句型的诀窍是,表面上看是在说有两类人,实际上只有一类人。
882. If the Olympics are not your
bag, don’t sweat it. 如果你并不热衷奥运,就不要去凑热闹了。
883. She doesn’t want to come across
as a party pooper. 她不想让大家觉得她是个扫大家兴的人come across as 给人的印象是。He came
across as a dull-witted manager incapable of running the
department. 他这个人呆头呆脑,无法管理这个部门。
884. Most athletes in China don’t
have a well-rounded life. 中国的运动员大部分发展都不均衡。You need to develop a
well-rounded life. 你的人生应该全面发展才好。You need to get a well-rounded
885. overall: 总的来说,复数时,外套。The overall
workload is too much for young students in China.
中国青少年学生每天学习任务都太重。The job is tough, but overall, I enjoy it.
这工作不容做,但总的来说,我还是蛮喜欢的。To suffer is part of your overall experience.
苦难是人生中的一部分。He stuffed the bird down his
overalls.他把这只鸟藏到了大衣里。还一个要记住的是all in all,意思差不多。
886. “(学生)进步了”,我们大概都会说,The students
made progress. 也可以说:All students made gains/improvements/good
scores on this year’s exams.
887. I know you are bursting your
buttons as a proud papa.
888. Although I am
not a stellar student in his class by any stretch of the
imagination, Professor Zhou really takes good care of me.
虽然我从来算不上一个优秀的学生,不过周教授真的挺照顾我。by any stretch of the imagination,
889. He is making a
name for himself in this field. 他正在这个领域崭露头角。另一个类似的说法:He is casting
his own shadow. 他正在成为一个有影响力的人。He has cast a long shadow as
president of the college. 他是学院院长,影响力深厚。She is trying to escape his
father’s shadow and be independent. I actually prefer shadowing
890. Then the LORD
said to Moses, "I will rain down bread from heaven for you. The
people are to go out each day and gather enough for that day. In
this way I will test them and see whether they will follow my
instructions.Exodus 16:4
青春就应该这样绽放 游戏测试:三国时期谁是你最好的兄弟!! 你不得不信的星座秘密