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931.  He is just a flunky of the Party secretary. 他不过是裆-支部书记的跟屁虫。flunky 奴仆,跟屁虫,走狗。或者说stooge, He is a stooge for the Party secretary. 类似的词还有yes-man, pushover, lackey, toady, hanger-on, puppet, camp-follower 等等都是。

932.  Everywhere you look in this small American town, there're red, white and blue banners. Denver has rolled out the red, white and blue carpet for the delegates. “在这个美国小镇,到处都可以看见小巧的美国国旗。丹佛为迎接代表们铺上了印有国旗图案的地毯。”这里的“红、白、蓝”三色是美国国旗的图案,如果直译为“红白蓝旗子”或“红白蓝地毯”,中国的读者可能一般体会不到这是什么样的旗子。

933.  He is photogenic. 他这个人很上镜头。很多人在网上的相片楚楚动人,在实际生活中却很普通,这就是photogenic。如果你不善上镜头,可以说:I always come out hideous in photos. 一个人相貌平平是“homely looking”或者plain looking。又可以说unimpresive looking。

934.  You need always ask: Is this all there is? 你要常常问:已经达到目标了吗?潜力都挖掘出来了吗?Is this all there is to life? 生命的意义就这些吗?

935.  cash cow 来钱来得快的生意、项目。The sale of land is the holy cash cow to the government. 政府靠出卖土地获得了巨额资金

936.   这个黑心律师贪-污了顾客数百万。This ruthless attorney embezzled millions from clients. embezzle, 贪污,这是书面语。口语说法有两个词:一是This lawyer fleeced his clients by millions. fleece 原意为拔羊毛,转义为贪污、剥削。 二是He skimmed millions of dollars for his lavish lifestyle. skim: 烧牛奶时,表面会起一层膜,也就是奶酪,你把这层奶酪捞起来的过程就是skim,转义为非法侵占、掠夺、贪污、逃税。The casino skimmed two million a year. 这家赌场每年逃税两百万。

937.  Show me the place to put the level and I shall move the world.- Archimedes 阿基米德说,给我一个杠杆的支点,我就可以撬动世界。

938.  He violated the trust of everyone. 他违背了大家都信任。也可以说betray。

939.  Life can be such a juggling act. We need to learn the difference between the urgent and the important things. 生活犹如玩杂耍,我们要搞清楚急事与要事之间的区别。

940.  So I will very gladly spend for you everything I have and expend myself as well. If I love you more, will you love me less? 2 Corinthians 12:15 我也甘心乐意为你们的灵魂费财费力。难道我越发爱你们,就越发少得你们的爱吗?这是我们常常面临的情况,你爱一个人,却得不到任何回报。这样的人值得你去爱吗?

 青春就应该这样绽放  游戏测试:三国时期谁是你最好的兄弟!!  你不得不信的星座秘密

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