941. George Orwell的“Animal Farm”( 动物庄园)对自由的定义是:If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear. (动物讥人无自由)在Z国,每天媒体上充斥的都是propaganda,你不想听也得听...
942. You have won. You have bragging rights, OK? “你赢了,你想怎么吹就怎么吹吧。”谈到rights时,我们想起的是人权(human rights),劳工权(labor rights),bragging rights“吹牛权”是什么权?我们中国人说,吹牛又不上税,你想怎么吹就怎么吹吧,这就是吹牛权。
943. boast and
brag之间的区别:boast很多时候作“自豪”解释:We boasts the services of a fine hotel
with staff ready to satisfy any
944. 口语里吹牛为blow: He
kept blowing about his medals.他老是吹他得到的金牌。
945. fish
story也是吹牛的意思。一个人钓鱼钓了条两寸长的鱼,却告诉别人他钓了条两尺长的鱼,所以叫fish story。He came up
with some fish story about his winnings at the
946. My boss keeps
saying she'll give me a raise, but talk is cheap.
947. I’m not a big
talker. 我不是那种说大话的人。
948. Don’t talk in
circles, instead, get to the point. 不要绕来绕去的,直截了当地说吧!另一个说法是:Don’t
beat the bush! He has a tendency to ramble, instead of being direct
in answering questions. 他总是支支吾吾的,不能直截了当地回答问题。
949. Let me be
completely straightforward with you. 我直接挑明了给你说吧。
950. He will keep
you strong to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of
our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 1:8