991. The performance brought the audience to its feet. 精彩的表演叫观众如醉如痴。The performance received a standing ovation. 观众全体起立,祝贺演出成功。
992. Kim and Karen
get on like a house on fire. They are good
friends and do everything together.
993. I jumped in
the fray when my friend Christie told me she had the perfect guy
for me. 我的朋友告诉我她给我物色到了一个最为般配的男友,我高兴得都发晕了。
994. It’s on the
house today. 今天由餐厅作东,一切免费。
995. She was very
happy at the beginning of her marriage. Then her
husband died and the roof caved in.
996. closet
a) He looks like a religious man, but he is a closet drinker.
b) out of the closet 走向公开(原来是躲在衣柜中)Those bureaucrats should come
out of the closet. 这些官僚做事应该不那么躲躲闪闪的。Do you have any skeletons in
the closet?
997. This place was once a commercial
anchor. There are several projects on the burner
to inject new vitality into the town.
这里曾经是商业中心,现在有几个项目正在进行,要给这城市注入新的活力。on the burner, 正在准备中。
998. You have to
place your emotional keepsakes in storage to pursue your career.
你既然在追求职业,就当把那些引发情感的东西都深埋起来。emotional keepsake 引起感情回忆的(伤感的)纪念物品
999. You need to
put your heart into English if you really want to learn it well.
如果你真想把英语学好,你就得全心地投入。类似的有:If you put your mind to it, you can
accomplish anything.如果你全身心投入,你就没有完不成的事。(这是Back to the
1000. Then he said to them all: "If
anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his
cross daily and follow me. Luke 9:23