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2601) He did nothing good but added gasoline to the fire by calling their names. 他没有帮任何忙,却是火上加油,把他们骂了一通。也可以说成add fuel to the fire好些语言都有“火上加油”这一说法。是把事越弄越糟的意思。但是,英文里并不都是贬义,例如:National stars pour fuel on fire in once-obscure upstate NY congressional campaign.国家级的明星云集纽约上州无名小镇为竞选加油。


2602) Men may spurn our appeals, reject our message, oppose our arguments, despise our persons, but they are helpless against our prayers. 人们或许会不理会我们的要求,拒绝我们的信息,反对我们的观点,蔑视我们的人格,但是他们在我们的祷告面前却无能为力。


2603 ) humor是大家都熟悉的词,就是“幽默,诙谐”,但这词还有一个意思,是“体液,脾气,” He makes me so mad that all my humors boil! 他激怒了我,我血管都要爆了。mood这个词用烂了时,可以换个说法:What is your humor today? 今天情绪怎样?只是humor此意思越来越少用了。


2604) get or have one's blood up, His insolent manner really got my blood up. 他那专横的态度把我的肺都气炸了。


2605) make one's blood boil, Carl's bad attitude made my blood boil.  卡尔恶劣的态度真是令我怒不可遏。


2606) He's a hoot. 意思是,He is hilariously funny. Hoot这个词我们以前学过,作动词用。


2607) A. No offense to you.  B. None taken. A. 没有想要冒犯你。 B. 一点也没有。


2608) 说“成功的机率”很低,简单地说是,little chance, He stands little/slim chance to win. 还可以说,That is an outside shot. 或者:That is a hundred-to-one shot.


2609) 在陷入情网的时候,有些人丢了头脑,另一些人丢了心。When falling in love, some lose their head, others lose their heart.

2610) Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies才德的妇人,谁能得着呢,他的价值胜过珍珠。(箴31:10)

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