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(bittern, squaw, buccaneer, aerate, aesthete)
657. bittern ['bɪtən]
Any of several wading birds of the genera Botaurusand Ixobrychus, having mottled, brownish plumage and a deep, booming cry in the male.
麻鳽:一种麻鳽属 和Ixobrychus属 的涉水禽鸟,有斑驳的褐色羽毛,雄鸟叫声悠长而嘹亮
The bitter water solution of bromides, magnesium,and calcium salts remaining after sodium chloride is crystallized out of seawater.
658. squaw [skwɔː]
n. 女人;妻子(有贬义)
squaw: 女人 | 印第安少女 | 北美原住民女子
A Native American woman, especially a wife.
A woman or wife.
659. buccaneer[,bʌkə'nɪə]
A pirate, especially one of the free booters who preyed on Spanish shipping in the West Indies during the 17th century.
A ruthless speculator or adventurer.
660. aerate ['eəreɪt]
Blood is aerated in the lungs.血液在肺中与氧结合。
The potatoes were set outside to aerate.马铃薯放到外面通风。
aerated water(s) ((英))碳酸水
661. aesthete['iːsθiːt; 'es-]
n. 唯美主义者;审美家
aesthete: 审美家 | 唯美主义者 | 唯美的
squaw, buccaneer, aerate, aesthete)
(中西交流网http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/2811577355 辑)
(affectation,affect, Warwhoop, hist, affidavit)
662. affectation[æfek'teɪʃ(ə)n]
I think he is sincere and quite without affectation.我认为他为人诚挚,毫
Her little affectations annoyed me. 她的小动作惹恼了我。
663. affect [ə'fekt]
n. 情感;引起感情的因素
vt. 影响;感染;感动;假装
vi. 倾向;喜欢
Affect: 影响 | 感动| 侵袭
His manners are affected. 他的态度不自然。
How is he affected towards us 他觉得我们怎么样?
ill affected (to) 对…不友好的。
well affected (to) 对…怀好意的。
affected airs 装模作样。
affected laugh 装笑,假笑。
She showed an affected interest in his art.
664. Warwhoop
a yell made when attacking, formerly used by Native North American warriors
665. hist [hɪst]
int. 嘘(用以引起注意或制止人讲话的发声)
hist: 频数计算或频数直方图 | 直方图 | 统计频数直方图
666. affidavit[,æfɪ'deɪvɪt]
n. 宣誓书
make (或 swear) an affidavit 【法律】 (在法官或公证人面前)写下(宣誓)证词(用作法律证据),立下宣誓书,作书面保证
an affidavit 【法律】(法官或公证人)受理(宣誓)证词书(用作法律证据)
Warwhoop, hist, affidavit)
(中西交流网http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/2811577355 辑)
(affinity, pard,reconnoiter, afflict, varietal)
667. affinity [ə'fɪnɪtɪ]
n. 密切关系;吸引力;姻亲关系;类同
affinity: 亲和力 | 亲和| 姻亲
have an affinity for children 喜欢小孩。
the close affinity of German with English 德语与英语的密切近似。
affinity card 亲和卡〔供小团体内部使用的一种信用卡〕。
chemical affinity 化学亲合势
electrochemical affinity 电化亲合势
electron affinity 电子亲合势
residual affinity 残留亲和力
A strange affinity attracts opposite natures.
She feels a strong affinity to him. 她感到他对她有很强的吸引力。
668. pard [pɑːd]
A leopard or other large cat.
669. reconnoitre[,rɛkə'nɔɪtɚ]
vt. 侦察;勘探
n. 侦察;踏勘
vi. 侦察;勘探
reconnoitre: 侦察 | 勘探| 勘察
to go into an area to find information about an enemy
The patrol was quite likely an extension of the General's motives in assigning him to reconnoitre.
“Don’tleave me,” she cried hysterically, as he rushed off to reconnoitre the vicinity.
The platoon is sent to reconnoitre the village before the attack.
670. afflict [ə'flɪkt]
He was afflicted with cancer. 他患了癌症。
She was afflicted with conscience. 她受良心责备。
689. varietal [və'raɪət(ə)l]
n. 用一种葡萄酿制的葡萄酒
adj. 变种的;多种的;构成变种的;用一种葡萄酿制的
Varietal: 葡萄品种 | 智利分级 | 变化的
pard,reconnoiter, afflict, varietal)
(中西交流网http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/2811577355 辑)
(white wine, redwine, garnet, black currant, tannin)
690. white wine
最常见的白葡萄酒品种有Sauvignon Blanc(长相思)、Chardonnay(霞多丽)、Riesling(雷司令)
691. red wine
常见的红葡萄酒品种有Cabernet Sauvignon(赤霞珠)、Merlot(梅洛)、Pinot Noir(黑皮诺)、Shiraz(设拉子)等等。
692. garnet ['gɑːnɪt]
n. [矿物] 石榴石;深红色;装货用的滑车
n. (Garnet)人名;(西)加内特;(罗)加尔内特
adj. 深红色的;暗红色的
Garnet: 石榴石 | 石榴红 | 暗红
693. black currant
black currant: 红醋栗 | 黑醋栗 | 黑加仑
694. tannin['tænɪn]
any of various complex phenolic substances of plant origin; used in tanning and in medicine
n. 丹宁酸;鞣酸
Tannin: 鞣质 | 单宁| 单宁酸
wine, red wine, garnet, black currant, tannin)
(中西交流网http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/2811577355 辑)
(finish, yodel,ineffable, agglomerate, aggrandize)
695. finish ['fɪnɪʃ]
“This is a good wine, it’s well-balanced, the finish is clean and long.”
yodel ['jəʊd(ə)l]
701. ineffable [ɪn'efəb(ə)l]
adj. 不可言喻的;不应说出的;难以形容的
Not to be uttered; taboo:
the ineffable name of the Deity.
702. agglomerate[ə'glɒməreɪt]
n. 团块;[岩] 集块岩;附聚物
adj. 凝聚的;成团的,结块的
vt. 使结块;使成团
Agglomerate: 集块岩 | 烧结块 | 烧结矿
703. aggrandize[ə'grændaɪz]
vt. 增加;夸大;强化
aggrandize: 增大 | 增强势力 | 扩张
yodel, ineffable, agglomerate, aggrandize)
(中西交流网http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/2811577355 辑)
(agog, agony,Calliope, apparition, ambidextrous)
704. agog [ə'gɒg]
adj. 兴奋的;有强烈兴趣的
adv. 热切地;渴望地
agog: 有强烈兴趣的 | 兴奋的 | 热歌
705. agony ['ægənɪ]
He was in an agony of remorse. 他处于悔恨的海洋中。
I've suffered agonies with toothache. 我遭受牙痛之苦。
Agony Aunt知心大姐
706. Calliope [kə'laɪəpɪ]
n. 司雄辩和叙事诗的女神
Calliope: 卡利俄佩 | 卡莉欧碧 | 卡丽奥佩
An instrument fitted with steam whistles, played from a keyboard.
707. apparition[æpə'rɪʃ(ə)n]
You look as though you've seen an apparition. 你好象撞见了鬼似的。
He saw the apparition of his dead wife. 他看见了亡妻的幽灵。
708.ambidextrous [,æmbɪ'dekstrəs]
1. 两只手都很灵巧的。2.表里不同的,怀有二心的。3.非常熟练的。
Ambidextrous tennis players are rare. 能用左右手打网球的人很少。
What do you think of their ambidextrous
agony,Calliope, apparition, ambidextrous)
(中西交流网http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/2811577355 辑)
(amble,deleterious, lackadaisical, ameliorate, diatribe)
709. amble['æmb(ə)l]
The horse is walking at an amble. 这匹马正在溜蹄行走。
Pedestrians ambled along the roads. 行人在公路上从容不迫地行走。
Let's go for an amble. 我们去散步吧。
710. deleterious[,delɪ'tɪərɪəs]
adj. 有毒的,有害的
deleterious: 有害的 | 有毒的 | 有害于
Such weather is deleterious on plants. 这种天气对植物有害。
deleterious water 侵蚀性水
711.lackadaisical [,lækə'deɪzɪk(ə)l]
adj. 懒洋洋的;无精打采的;伤感的
Lackadaisical: 松劲 | 无精打采的 | 懒洋洋的
There'll be no time to correct lackadaisical driving techniques after trouble develops.
His will was sapped and his whole attitude was lackadaisical.
So, Cicero first warned us against the danger of being lackadaisical.
The lackadaisical clerk threw my change on the counter.
712. ameliorate[ə'miːlɪəreɪt]
vt. 改善;减轻(痛苦等);改良
vi. 变得更好
ameliorate: 改善 | 改良| 改进
ameliorate housing conditions 改善住房条件。改良,变好。
The situation has ameliorated. 情况好转。
Serfdom ameliorated with the advance of civilization.
713. diatribe['daɪətraɪb]
n. 诽谤;恶骂
diatribe: 苛评 | 抨击| 谩骂
He launched a diatribe against the younger generation.
The book is a diatribe against the academic left.
lackadaisical, ameliorate, diatribe)
(中西交流网http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/2811577355 辑)
(foreclose,amenity, cinnamon, amity, baedeker)
714. foreclose[fɔː'kləʊz]
vt. 阻止;排除;取消抵押品赎回权
vi. 取消抵押品赎回权
foreclose: 排除 | 取消抵押品赎回权 | 排除在外
The Bank foreclosed on the mortgage.
The building society will be forced to foreclose on this mortgage because regular payments have not been made.
715. amenity [ə'miːnɪtɪ; -'men-]
n. 舒适;礼仪;愉快;便利设施
amenity: 愉快 | 礼仪| 艾美达
We went south to enjoy the amenity of a warm climate.我们到南方去享受温暖的气候。
Stadiums and gymnasia are just some of the town's local amenities.运动场和体育馆只是镇上的部分康乐设施。
The hotel's amenities included a whirlpool and a tennis court.
amenities of home life 家庭乐趣。
an exchange of amenities 相互问好,寒暄。
The amenity of his manners won him friends.
amenity area美化市容地带
amenity planting strip美化市容种植地带
amenity railing美观栏杆
amenity strip美化市容地带
community amenities社区康乐设施;社区市容设施
roadside amenities路旁美化市容地带;路旁市容设施
716. cinnamon['sɪnəmən]
The dried aromatic inner bark of certain tropical Asian trees in the genus Cinnamomum, especially C. verum and C. loureirii, often ground and used as a spice.
桂皮:一种樟属 的亚洲热带树木的芳香的干燥内层树皮,特别是 正肉桂 和 劳木罗肉桂 ,常磨成粉做香料
717. amity ['æmɪtɪ]
Someday the animosity that led to the war will be replaced by amity.总有一天导致战争的仇恨会被友好关系所取代。
He lives in amity with his neighbours.他和他的邻居相处得很和睦。
They parted in amity.他们很友好地分别了。
a treaty of peace and amity 和平友好条约
in amity (with ┄) (与…)友好的[地]
in amity with 友善地;和睦地
718. baedeker['beidikə]
n. 旅行指南;入门手册
n. (Baedeker)人名;(德)贝德克尔
Baedeker: 贝德克尔 | 旅行指南 | 导游手册
cinnamon, amity, baedeker)
(中西交流网http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/2811577355 辑)
(amorphous, amortize, phenol, hydroxyl, hickory)
719. amorphous [ə'mɔːfəs]
adj. 无定形的;无组织的;[物] 非晶形的
amorphous: 无定形的 | 非晶质 | 非晶的
I really can't understand his amorphous ideas. 我真的弄不懂他那些乱七八糟的想法。
720. amortize [ə'mɔ:taɪz]
vt. 摊销(等于amortise);分期偿还
amortize: 分期偿还 | 摊销| 摊提
amortization of deferred loan fees and related consideration 递延的贷款费和相关的报酬的摊销
amortization schedule 摊销进度表
amortization [non-conforming use]定期终止〔不符合规划的用途〕
amortization area定期终止区
amortization notice定期终止通知书
amortization period终止期;摊还期
721. phenol ['fiːnɒl]
n. 石碳酸,[有化] 苯酚
any of a class of weakly acidic organic compounds;molecule contains one or more hydroxyl groups
722. hydroxyl[haɪ'drɒksaɪl; -sɪl]
n. 羟基,氢氧基
the monovalent group -OH in such compounds as bases and some acids and alcohols
723. hickory ['hɪk(ə)rɪ]
Any of several chiefly North American deciduous trees of the genus Carya, having smooth or shaggy bark, compound leaves, and hard smooth stones or nuts, each containing an edible seed and surrounded by a husk that splits into four valves.
山核桃:一种山核桃 属的北美洲落叶乔木,树皮光滑或粗糙,复叶,果实或坚果坚硬光滑,中间有可食用的种子,种子外包了一层可裂成四片的外皮
(amorphous, amortize, phenol, hydroxyl, hickory)
(中西交流网http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/2811577355 辑)
(bobcat, virtuosity, virulent, viscid, ruffed grouse)
724. bobcat ['bɒbkæt]
A wild cat(Lynx rufus) of North America, having spotted reddish-brown fur, tufted ears, and a short tail. Also called bay lynx
红猫,北美大山猫:北美洲野猫(北美大山猫) ,皮毛有红褐色斑点,有簇生眼,尾短 也作 bay lynx
725. virtuosity[,vɜːtʃʊ'ɒsɪtɪ]
n. 精湛技巧;对艺术品的爱好;艺术爱好者
Virtuosity: 时空悍将 | 炫技曲 | 艺术鉴别力
Winsor McCay, the cartoonist, could draw with incredible virtuosity:
his comic strip about Little Nemo was characterized by marvelous
draftsmanship and sequencing.
726. virulent['vɪrʊl(ə)nt; 'vɪrjʊ-]
They worked in the virulent sun.
The virus is highly virulent and has made many of us ill for days.
virulent poison 剧毒
virulent hostility 强烈的敌意
727. viscid ['vɪsɪd]
adj. 粘质的;半流体的
viscid: 粘的 | 粘性的 | 胶粘的
The trunk of the maple tree was viscid with sap.
728. ruffed grouse
A chickenlike North American game bird(Bonasaumbellus) having mottled brownish plumage and noted for the drumming sounds the male makes with its wings. Also called birch partridge
披肩榛鸡:一种北美洲的食鸡猎鸟(披肩鸡) ,具有浅褐色斑点羽毛,。雄鸟会用翅膀作出打鼓的声音也作 birch partridge
(bobcat, virtuosity, virulent, viscid, ruffed grouse)
(中西交流网http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/2811577355 辑)