ELIZABETH BY THE GRACE OF GOD QUEEN of England, France and Ireland Defendor of the faith ets. To the great, mighty, and Invincible Emperour of Cathaia. greeting.
Wee haue receaued Dyuers, and sundry relac~ons both by our owne Subiects, and by others, whoe haue visited some parts of your Ma.ts Empire, and Dominions, wherby they haue reported unto us as well your Inuincible greatness, as your kind vsage of Strangers, that resorte unto yo~r Kingdomes with trade of merchandise, w~ch hath wrought in us a desire, to fynd oute some neerer waye of passage by Seas from us, into your cuntrey, then the usuall frequented course that hitherto hath byn houlden by compassing the greatest part of the world, By which neerer passage, not only opportunity of entercourse of traffique of merchandize may be offred between ye Subiects of both or Kingdomes, but also a mutuall league, and amity may growe, and be continued, between yor Mats and us, or Cuntries, and Dominions being in their distance of scituations, not so farr remote, or severed, as they are estranged, and unknowen the one to the other, by reason of the long and tedious course of Navigacon hitherto used – from theis party unto yor . To which ende wee have heretofore many yeares past, and at sundry tymes synce made choice of some of or Subiects, being a people by nature enclyned to great attempts, and to the discouery of Contries, and Kingdomes unknowen and sett them in hand wth the fynding out of some neerer passage by Seas into yor Mats Contries, through the North. Or East parts of the World, wherin hitherto not preuayling, but some of their Ships neuer returning back agayne, nor being heard of synce their departure hence, & some of them retourning back agayne being hindered in their entended voyage by the frozen Seas, and intolerable cold of those Clymayes; wee haue yet once more of or earnest desire to try the uttermost yt may be done to pforme at length a neerer discouery of yor Contrye, prepared and sett fourth two small Shipps under ye direction of our Subiect & Seruant George Waymouth being ye principall Pylott of this present voyage, a man for his knowledge & Experience in navigacon, specially chosen by us to this attempte, Whom if it shall please god so to prosper in his passage, yt either he, or any of his company shall aryue in any port of your Kingdome, wee pray yor Matie in fauor of us, who haue soe desired ye attaining this meanes of accesse unto you, & in regard of an enyerprize pformed by hym, & his company wth so great difficulty, & danger, yt you will use them wth that regard yt may gyue them encouragemt to make this their newe discouered passage, wch hitherto hath not byn frequented, or knowne by any to become a usuall frequented trade from theis pts of ye world to yor Matie . By wch meanes yor contry may hereafter be serued wth the natyue comodityes of theis parts of speciall seruice, & use both for yor Matie and Subiects and by returne, and enterchange of your contrey comodities, wee & our Subiects may be furnished wth thinges of lyke seruice and use out of wch mutuall benefit amity, and frendshipe may growe, and be established between us, wch wee for our part will not lett hereby to offer unto you for the honorable report wch we haue heard of yor Matie and because in yis first discouery of the waye to yor contrey, it 3 seemed to us not convenient to ymploy Shipps of that burthen wch might bring them any great quantity of or natyue comodities wherby they might be pestered, wee had resolue to use small shipps as fittest for an unkowen passage, laden for ye most part wth such necessaries, as were of use for their discouery,. It may please yor Matie by the pticukers of such things, as are brought in theis shipps to understand yt of goods of those kyndes, or kingdome is able to furnish yor Matie most amply & also of sundry other kynds of merchandize of like use, wherof it may please yor Matie to be more pticulerly enformed by the said George waymuth, & his company, of all wch upon signifcaco unto us by yor Matie Lres (Ed. = Largesse?) to be returned by or said Subiect, your visiting of yor Kingdomes wth our shipps, & merchandize shalbe acceptable, & kindly receiued, wee will in the next fleet, wch wee shall send unto you, make it more fully appeare what use, & beneftt, or amity, & entercourse may bring yor Matie & contre. And in the meane tyme do commend yor Matie to the protection of the Eternall God, whose providence guideth, and pserueth all Kinges, and Kingdomes,. From our Royall Pallace of Greenwiche the fourthe of May ano Dni 1602 and of or Raigne 44
Elizabeth R
Modern English version [by Teri Taylor]:
Elizabeth, by the grace of God, Queen of England, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith to the great, mighty and invincible Emperor of Cathay, greetings.
We have received divers and sundry reports both by our own subjects and others, who have visited some parts of your Majesty’s empire. They have told us of your greatness and your kind usage of strangers, who come to your kingdom with merchandise to trade.
This has encouraged us to find a shorter route by sea from us to your country than the usual course that involves encompassing the greatest part of the world.
This nearer passage may provide opportunity for trade between the subjects of both our countries and also amity may grow between us, due to the navigation of a closer route.
With this in mind, we have many times in the past encouraged some of our pioneering subjects to find this nearer passage through the north. Some of their ships didn’t return again and nothing was ever heard of them, presumably because of frozen seas and intolerable cold.
However, we wish to try again and have prepared and set forth two small ships under the direction of our subject, George Waymouth, employed as principal pilot for his knowledge and experience in navigation.
We hope your Majesty will look kindly on them and give them encouragement to make this new discovered passage, which hitherto has not be frequented or known as a usual trade route.
By this means our countries can exchange commodities for our mutual benefit and as a result, friendship may grow. 4
We decided for this first passage not to burden your Majesty with great quantities of commodities as the ships were venturing on a previously unknown route and would need such necessities as required for their discovery.
It may please your Majesty to observe, on the ships, samples available from our country of many diverse materials, which we can supply most amply and may it please your Majesty to enquire of the said George Waymouth what could be supplied by the next fleet.
In the meantime, we commend your Majesty to the protection of the Eternal God, who providence guides and supports all kings and kingdoms. From our Royal Palace of Greenwich, the fourth of May anno Domini, 1602, and the 44th year of our reign.
Elizabeth R
中文 |
英式 |
美式 |
1. 我想要一个…… |
May I have a... |
Can I get a... |
2. 最佳选择 |
the best option |
least worst option |
3. 两倍,三倍 |
double, triple |
two-time, three-time |
4. 整天,每天 |
all day, every day |
24/7 |
5. 下飞机 |
deplane |
6. 等待 |
wait for |
wait on |
7. 腰包 |
bum bag/hip pack |
fanny pack |
8. 联系 |
meet/talk to |
touch base |
9. 物质性 |
the physical nature of |
physicality |
10. 交通工具 |
transport |
transportation |
11. 过20岁生日 |
celebrate the 20th birthday |
turn 20 |
12. 购物手推车 |
shopping trolley |
shopping cart |
13. get的过去分词 |
got |
gotten |
14. 我很好。 |
I'm well. |
I'm good. |
15. 刘海 |
fringe |
bangs |
16. 外卖 |
takeaway |
take-out |
17. 荒谬 |
ridiculousness |
ridiculosity |
18. 半小时 |
half an hour |
a half hour |
19. 提醒 |
give notice/inform |
heads up |
20. 火车站 |
railway station |
train station |
21. 按照字母顺序排 |
to put a list into alphabetical order |
to alphabetize it |
22. 我错了。 |
I'm sorry for my mistake. |
my bad |
23. 正常状态 |
normality |
24. 盗窃 |
burglarize |
25. 经常 |
often |
oftentimes |
26. 饭店 |
restaurant |
27. 两周 |
fortnightly |
biweekly |
28. 候选人,替代人 |
alternative |
alternate |
29. 提高价格 |
increase a price |
hike a price |
30. 今后 |
in future |
going forward |
31. 150万 |
one and a half million |
a million and a half |
32. 询问 |
ask |
reach out to |
33. 你来算。 |
You do the maths. |
You do the math. |
34. 中杯咖啡 |
a medium sized coffee |
a regular coffee |
35. 截止,满期 |
expiration |
36. 苏格兰-爱尔兰后裔 |
Scot-Irish |
Scotch-Irish |
37. 这会让你得到教训的。 |
That'll teach you. |
That'll learn you. |
38. 它在哪儿? |
Where is it? |
Where's it at? |
39. 句号 |
full stop |
period |
40. 最大赢家 |
the best/most successful |
the winningest |
41. 问题 |
problem |
issue |
42. 赢得奖牌 |
to win a medal |
to medal |
43. 我免费拿到的。 |
I got it free. |
I got it for free. |
44. 现在 |
now |
already |
45. 我最关心。 |
I couldn't care less. |
I could care less. |
还有一句美式英语:It is what it is.(该是什么就是什么。)美剧中经常出现,那么它的英式表达呢?There is no British way of saying this… it means nothing! 好吧,英国人觉得这个说法毫无意义!
1. When people ask for something, I often hear: "Can I get a..." It infuriates me. It's not New York. It's not the 90s. You're not in Central Perk with the rest of the Friends. Really."
1. 当某些人想要什么东西时,我经常听到他们说:“Can I get a...(我能要一个……)”这让我大为恼火。这里又不是纽约,又不是90年代,你以为你是在Central Perk里演《老友记》啊,真是的!
2. The next time someone tells you something is the "least worst option", tell them that their most best option is learning grammar.
2. 下次要是有人跟你讲XXX是the “least worst option”(最好选择),你就告诉他们对于他们来说最最最好的选择是滚回去学语法。
3. The phrase I've watched seep into the language (especially with broadcasters) is "two-time" and "three-time". Have the words double, triple etc, been totally lost? Grammatically it makes no sense, and is even worse when spoken. My pulse rises every time I hear or see it. Which is not healthy as it's almost every day now. Argh!
3. 我经历过的渐渐渗入到英语里的短语(特别是播音员使用的)是“two-time(两次)”和“three -time(三次)"。难道double啊triple啊什么的都彻底消失了么?从语法上来说,这根本构不成短语,而且用在口语中更糟糕。每次听到或者看到它我就心跳加速。这对我的健康造成了威胁,因为基本每天都要经历这些。我去!
4. Using 24/7 rather than "24 hours, 7 days a week" or even just plain "all day, every day".
4. 使用24/7来表达“全天候”,而不是“24 hours, 7 days a week”,或者就朴实地说“all day, every day”。
5. The one I can't stand is "deplane", meaning to disembark an aircraft, used in the phrase "you will be able to deplane momentarily".
5. 我不能忍受的就是“deplane”这个词,意思就是下飞机,用法是这样的:“You will be able to deplane momentarily(您很快就能下飞机了)”。
6. To "wait on" instead of "wait for" when you're not a waiter - once read a friend's comment about being in a station waiting on a train. For him, the train had yet to arrive - I would have thought rather that it had got stuck at the station with the friend on board.
6. 用“wait on”而不是“wait for”,而且你还不是服务员。有次我读了一段朋友就在车站等车(waiting on a train)发表的评论。他所表达的意思是,火车一直没到站。而我却以为朋友在车上,但是车却困在了车站里。
7. "It is what it is". Pity us.
7. “It is what it is.(这就是事实。)” 同情同情我们吧!
8. Dare I even mention the fanny pack?
8. 敢不敢提fanny pack(腰包)啊?
9. "Touch base" - it makes me cringe no end.
9. “Touch base(联系)”——这让我不停地哆嗦。
10. Is "physicality" a real word?
10. “Physicality(物质性)”真的是一个词吗?
11. Transportation. What's wrong with transport?
11. Transportation(交通工具)。就不能用transport吗?
12. The word I hate to hear is "leverage". Pronounced lev-er-ig rather than lee-ver-ig. It seems to pop up in all aspects of work. And its meaning seems to have changed to "value added".
12. 我讨厌听到的词是“leverage”。把它读成lev-er-ig(美),而不是lee-ver-ig(英)。好像各行各业突然都这么读了,意思貌似也变成“附加值”了。(leverage在美式英语中有“举债经营”的意思,英式英语用gearing表达此意)
13. Does nobody celebrate a birthday anymore, must we all "turn" 12 or 21 or 40? Even the Duke of Edinburgh was universally described as "turning" 90 last month. When did this begin? I quite like the phrase in itself, but it seems to have obliterated all other ways of speaking about birthdays.
13. 难道没人庆祝生日(celebrate a birthday)了吗?我们一定都要“turn”12岁或者21岁或者40岁吗?连爱丁堡公爵过生日也统统说成上个月他“turning”90岁。这是什么时候开始的?我喜欢这个表达本身,但它似乎取代掉其他所有谈论生日的说法了。
14. I caught myself saying "shopping cart" instead of shopping trolley today and was thoroughly disgusted with myself. I've never lived nor been to the US either.
14. 我发现现在自己会说:"shopping cart(购物手推车)”而不是shopping trolley ,我非常讨厌这一点。我从没去过美国,也没在美国生活过。
15. What kind of word is "gotten"? It makes me shudder.
16. "I'm good" for "I'm well". That'll do for a start.
16. 用“I'm good(我很好)”替代“I'm well”。刚开始感觉都可以。
17. "Bangs" for a fringe of the hair.
17. 用"bangs"表示刘海。
18. Take-out rather than takeaway!
18. 说take-out(外卖)而不是takeaway!
19. I enjoy Americanisms. I suspect even some Americans use them in a tongue-in-cheek manner? "That statement was the height of ridiculosity".
19. 我喜欢美式英语。不过我怀疑甚至一些美国人也是虚情假意地在用它们。“这份声明简直是荒谬(ridiculosity)。”
20. "A half hour" instead of "half an hour".
20. 说“a half hour(半小时)”而不是“half an hour”。
21. A "heads up". For example, as in a business meeting. Lets do a "heads up" on this issue. I have never been sure of the meaning.
22. A “heads up(提醒)”。比如,在商业会议上说,Lets do a "heads up" on this issue. 我至今还不知道是什么意思。
22. Train station. My teeth are on edge every time I hear it. Who started it? Have they been punished?
22. Train station(火车站)。每次听到它,我就很恼火。谁开始用这个词的?他们没有被罚吗?
23. To put a list into alphabetical order is to "alphabetize it" - horrid!
23. 把一张表按照字母顺序排列就是去“alphabetize it”——非常不爽!
24. People that say "my bad" after a mistake. I don't know how anything could be as annoying or lazy as that.
24. 那些在犯错后说“my bad(我的错)”的人,我真不知道事情怎么可以变得如此让人恼火、将惰性体现得淋漓尽致的。
25. "Normalcy" instead of "normality" really irritates me.
25. 用“normalcy(正常状态)”而不是“normality”真的会激怒我。
26. As an expat living in New Orleans, it is a very long list but "burglarize" is currently the word that I most dislike.
26. 作为一名生活在新奥尔良的侨民,我有很长一串清单,但是“burglarize(破门盗窃)”是我目前最不喜欢的词。(英国用burgle)
27. "Oftentimes" just makes me shiver with annoyance. Fortunately I've not noticed it over here yet.
27. “Oftentimes(经常)”会让我恼怒得直哆嗦。幸运地是,我在这里还没看到过。
28. Eaterie. To use a prevalent phrase, oh my gaad!
28. Eaterie(餐馆)。经常听到,天呐!!
29. I'm a Brit living in New York. The one that always gets me is the American need to use the word bi-weekly when fortnightly would suffice just fine.
29. 我是住在纽约的英国人,让我难受的一点是美国人需要用bi-weekly(每两周一次),fortnightly明明足够好用了。
30. I hate "alternate" for "alternative". I don't like this as they are two distinct words, both have distinct meanings and it's useful to have both. Using alternate for alternative deprives us of a word.
30. 我讨厌用“alternate”替代“alternative”。我不喜欢这个因为它们是不同的两个词,它们分别有不同的意思,两者都很有用。用alternate替代alternative会让我们失去一个词。
31. "Hike" a price. Does that mean people who do that are hikers? No, hikers are ramblers!
31. “Hike(提升)”价格。那是不是意味着“提升价格的人”可以用hikers表示?不,hikers(旅行者)是“漫游者”的意思好不好!
32. Going forward? If I do I shall collide with my keyboard.
32. Going forward(前进)?如果我要打这个词,我势必要和我的键盘搏斗一番。
33. I hate the word "deliverable". Used by management consultants for something that they will "deliver" instead of a report.
33. 我讨厌“deliverable(交付物)”这个词。管理顾问常用这个词来表达他们要“deliver(交付)”的某个替代report的东西。
34. The most annoying Americanism is "a million and a half" when it is clearly one and a half million! A million and a half is 1,000,000.5 where one and a half million is 1,500,000.34.
34. 最让人恼火的美式英语是“a million and a half”,正确的明明应该是one and a half million. A million and a half 是1000000.5,one and a half million是1500000。
35. "Reach out to" when the correct word is "ask". For example: "I will reach out to Kevin and let you know if that timing is convenient". Reach out? Is Kevin stuck in quicksand? Is he teetering on the edge of a cliff? Can't we just ask him?
35. 用“reach out to”而不是正确的“ask”。比如,“I will reach out to Kevin and let you know if that timing is convenient.(我会问一下凯文,看看时间是否方便。)”难道凯文在流沙区吗?或者他在悬崖边摇摇欲坠?难道我们就不能“问”一下他?
36. Surely the most irritating is: "You do the Math." Math? It's MATHS.
36. 最激怒人的当然就是:You do the Math.(你自己来算一下。)”Math?应该是MATHS!
37. I hate the fact I now have to order a "regular Americano". What ever happened to a medium sized coffee?
37. 我讨厌我现在必须点“regular Americano(常规美式咖啡)。”为什么就不能说a medium sized coffee呢?
38. My worst horror is expiration, as in "expiration date". Whatever happened to expiry?
38. 我最讨厌的词是expiration(截止),比如“expiration date(截止日期)”。为什么不用expiry?
39. My favourite one was where Americans claimed their family were "Scotch-Irish". This of course is totally inaccurate, as even if it were possible, it would be "Scots" not "Scotch".
39. 我最喜欢的一个就是美国人宣称他们的家庭是“Scotch-Irish(苏格兰-爱尔兰血统的)”。这当然是完全错误的,即使这是一种可能的表达,那么也应该是“Scot”而不是“Scotch”。
40. I am increasingly hearing the phrase "that'll learn you" - when the English (and more correct) version was always "that'll teach you". What a ridiculous phrase!
40. 我听到越来越多人说“that'll learn you(这是给你的教训。)”——明明英语(更加正确的)的版本应该是“that'll teach you.” 多么荒谬的表达!
41. I really hate the phrase: "Where's it at?" This is not more efficient or informative than "where is it?" It just sounds grotesque and is immensely irritating.
41. 我真的很讨厌这个表达:“Where's it at?(在哪儿?)”这并没有比“where is it?”更有效率或蕴含更多信息。它听起来很荒唐,而且非常惹人厌。
42. Period instead of full stop.
42. 用“period(句号)”代替full stop。
43. My pet hate is "winningest", used in the context "Michael Schumacher is the winningest driver of all time". I can feel the rage rising even using it here.
43. 我最讨厌文本中出现“winningest(常胜的)”,比如“迈克尔·舒马赫是有史以来的最常胜(winningest)赛车手”。即使这样用,我也觉得很愤怒。
44. My brother now uses the term "season" for a TV series.
44. 我的弟弟现在用“season(季)”来谈论电视剧了。
45. Having an "issue" instead of a "problem".
45. Having an "issue(问题)"而不是"problem"。
46. I hear more and more people pronouncing the letter Z as "zee". Not happy about it!
46. 我听到越来越多人把字母Z发成zee的音。不开心!
47. To "medal" instead of to win a medal. Sets my teeth on edge with a vengeance.
47. “medal(赢得奖牌)”而不是win a medal。我差点要破口大骂了。
48. "I got it for free" is a pet hate. You got it "free" not "for free". You don't get something cheap and say you got it "for cheap" do you?
48. “I got it for free(我免费得到它)”是我最讨厌的表达。你是“免费(free)”得到它,而不是“为了免费(for free)”。你不会买到一个便宜的东西,然后说你买到它“为了便宜”,对吧?
49. "Turn that off already". Oh dear.
49. Turn that off already.(把那个关掉)。天呐!
50. "I could care less" instead of "I couldn't care less" has to be the worst. Opposite meaning of what they're trying to say.
50. 用“I could care less(我一点也不在乎)”,而不是“I couldn't care less”,是我见过最糟糕的表达。与他们想要说的意思完全相反。
Wines: It is produced after the fermentation process of grape juice is complete. It is said that the longer the aging process, the better it tastes. ABV (alcohol by volume) - 9% to 16%.
Beers: Beer is made after the fermenting and brewing process is done. The use of wheat, corn, barley, and rice is essential to make beer. ABV - 2% to 4%.
Spirits: It is simply a term used to describe unsweetened and distilled alcoholicbeverages.
Spirits include
Short for brandy wine, this is a distilled wine. This drink is usually consumed after dinner. ABV- 30% to 60%.
To produce gin, juniper berries and white grain spirit are distilled. ABV - 37% to 40%.
This spirit is obtained when various flavors like herbs, cream, spices, flowers, and fruits is combined. ABV - 15% to 30%.
A distilled alcoholic drink which is produced after the fermentation of sugarcane ormolasses is done. ABV - 40% to 55%.
朗姆酒:用甘蔗压出来的糖汁,经过发酵、蒸馏而成。ABV: 40%—55%.
The use of a plant, blue agave (found in a town in Mexico) is important to make tequila. The various colors of tequila is obtained due to aging process, method, and time duration. ABV - 35% to 40%.
龙舌兰酒:龙舌兰酒又称“特基拉酒”,是墨西哥的特产,被称为墨西哥的灵魂。龙舌兰成熟后割下送至酒厂,再被割成两半后泡洗24小时,然后榨出汁来,汁水加糖送入发酵柜中发酵两天至两天半,然后经两次蒸馏,陈酿时间不同,颜色和口味差异很大。ABV: 35%—40%.
Again a distilled drink which is transparent (it's clear). Vodka contains purifiedethanol and water which at times goes through various stages of distillation. It is fermented from potatoes, wheat or rye, corn, or sugar beet molasses. ABV - 25% to 37%.
伏特加酒:是一种经蒸馏处理的酒精饮料,是由水和经蒸馏净化的乙醇所合成的透明液体。在蒸馏过程中除水和乙醇外亦会加入马铃薯、菜糖浆及黑麦或小麦,如果是制作有味道的伏特加更会加入适量的调味料。ABV: 25%—37%.
In Gaelic, whisky means "Water of Life". You get whisky after the fermentation process is done which uses wheat, barley, rye, and corn. ABV - 40% to 50%.
威士忌酒:以大麦、黑麦、燕麦、小麦、玉米等谷物为原料,经发酵、蒸馏后放入橡木桶中陈酿、勾兑而成的一种酒精饮料。ABV: 40%—50%.
A cocktail is an alcoholic mixed drink that contains two or more ingredients—at least one of the ingredients must be a spirit.
The ABV percentage is pretty high in the drinks made with spirits, which is why they are called hard drinks. So whenever you drink any of these drinks, make sure you do so responsibly.
Alcohol glasses
1. Beer Mug 啤酒杯
You put beer in this. Some people put them in the freezer to frost
them before use. One glass typically holds 16 oz.
of fluid,
but there are no rules.
2. Highball Glass 高球杯
It’s a straight-sided glass of varying heights and is what you’re
usually given when you order a whiskey and Coke, gin and tonic or
other mixed drink.
3. Cocktail Glass (a.k.a. Martini
Glass) 鸡尾酒杯(又称为马提尼酒杯)
The angled, triangular bowl and long stem are unmistakable and is
designed to keep the drinker from allowing her or his hands to warm
the drink. Of course, after two drinks pretty much everyonecradles the
bowl, thereby wasting its functional purpose.
4. Brandy Snifter 白兰地矮脚杯
Its short stem and globe shape encourage cradling so the hand warms
the drink, and the tapered edges
focus the odor of
the liquor up into the tippler’s
5. Champagne Flute 香槟杯
The long tulip-shaped vessel lets
drinkers enjoy the gentle cascade of boozybubbles
and also focuses the effervescence upward
so that it will create a foamy, nose-tickling mousse.
The Good Morrow(早安)是英国玄学派诗人John Donne(约翰•多恩)的经典情诗。
今年情人节的时候卫报请了一些作家选一首他们最喜欢的情诗,其中畅销书作家David Nicholls(One Day的作者)就选了这首The Good Morrow,,因为它表达了“互相的理解、平衡和坚贞”。
The Good Morrow - John Donne
I wonder by my troth, what thou and I
Did, till we loved? Were we not wean’d till then?
But suck’d on country pleasures, childishly?
Or snorted we in the Seven Sleepers’ den?
‘Twas so; but this, all pleasures fancies be;
If ever any beauty I did see,
Which I desired, and got, ‘twas but a dream of thee.
And now good-morrow to our waking souls,
Which watch not one another out of fear;
For love all love of other sights controls,
And makes one little room an everywhere.
Let sea-discoverers to new worlds have gone;
Let maps to other, worlds on worlds have shown;
Let us possess one world; each hath one, and is one.
My face in thine eye, thine in mine appears,
And true plain hearts do in the faces rest;
Where can we find two better hemispheres
Without sharp north, without declining west?
Whatever dies, was not mix’d equally;
If our two loves be one, or thou and I
Love so alike that none can slacken, none can die.
早安(翻译 by 飞白)
The Truth About The Sound of Music Family
文/路易丝·伊达尔戈 译/长禾
By Louise Hidalgo
When it was released 50 years ago, The Sound of Music became one of the most successful films of all time. It was based on the true story of the von Trapp family—but what did they think of it and was their life really like it was portrayed in the movie?
[2] “Everyone thinks The Sound of Music was exactly the way things happened, and of course it wasn’t because there had to be artistic licence,” says Johannes von Trapp. He is the youngest son of Georg and Maria—the decorated1 naval commander and singing nun turned governess of the film.
“This was the Hollywood version of the Broadway version of the German film version of the book that my mother wrote.
“It’s like the parlour game where you whisper a word in your neighbour’s ear and he whispers it and it goes around the room—by the time it comes back it’s usually changed a bit.”
[3] When The Sound of Music came out2 in March 1965, 20th Century Fox put on a special screening for the family in New York. Johannes was a young recruit in the US army and applied for leave but was refused.
“So I went absent without leave. I borrowed a car from a friend and I had to save my last dollar for the Holland tunnel3 to get across the Hudson River.
“A lot of my family’s friends were there, and my mother of course, and my brothers and sisters. And it was very emotional and powerful. I remember at the wedding scene my mother got up from her chair and started walking towards the screen, she was so impacted.”
[4] In real life the oldest von Trapp child was Rupert but in the film it’s a girl, sixteen-year-old Liesl who falls in love with the boy who delivers telegrams, Rolfe.
“In the real family my oldest sister was Agatha and she was a very introverted person,” says Johannes, “and the thought of her doing that song and dance routine with the telegraph boy had us all rolling in the aisles4 in stitches5.”
[5] There were other differences too.
[6] Johannes was born in 1939—by then his mother and father had been married for 12 years and had already had two children together, to add to the seven that the widowed Captain von Trapp had from his first marriage.
In the film the couple marry in 1938 and as Johannes says: “It was quite tough enough with seven kids for the movie company.”
[7] The von Trapp children also already played music before Maria came to their home as a governess. “My mother was the energy and the instigator that took them to almost concert quality,” says Johannes.
But it was another important figure in their life, the priest, Father Franz Fausner, who was instrumental in their musical success, touring with them in Europe and America. He was left out of both the film and the Broadway musical.
[8] Another more hurtful change was the portrayal of Georg von Trapp. Far from being the distant rather domineering father of The Sound of Music, Johannes says he was “a very charming man, generous, open, and not the martinet he was made out to be both in the stage play and in the film. My mother did try to alter that portrayal for the film, but she was not successful.”
[9] It was Maria von Trapp’s book, The Story of Trapp Family Singers, which was published in 1949 that inspired first the musical and then the film.
[10] The family had lost all their money when the Austrian bank that held it failed in the 1930s—they managed to keep their villa outside Salzburg.
But after the Nazi annexation of Austria in March 1938, life became increasingly untenable and later that year they left.
[11] They didn’t cross the mountains as shown in the film though—they went by train to go on a concert tour from which they never returned. They finally travelled by boat to New York and when they arrived had only a few dollars to their name.
[12] They continued giving performances and later bought a farm in Vermont where the family still runs a hotel, the Trapp Family Lodge. But when Georg died in 1947 Maria was left with 10 children to support.
[13] That’s when she wrote the book which became a best-seller. A German-language film and the musical followed.
[14] Maria later recalled, in a BBC interview, that she only learned Hollywood was making a film when she read about it in a newspaper.
“I felt very alarmed,” she said. “I didn’t know what they are going to do with us… Hollywood being Hollywood, [I thought] they will have me three times divorced and five times married or whatever. And then it turned out so nice—especially the beginning with the mountains and me coming up over the meadow.”
[15] Maria was a “force of nature” says Johannes. “It wasn’t easy to disagree with her but she kept everything together.”
“She did everything quickly. She walked very fast, with a rolling gait developed from hiking in the Austrian mountains and it was hard to keep up with her. She ate fast, she drove too fast. My wife borrowed her car once to go the village, and was astonished that everyone in front gave way when they saw my mother’s car coming.”
[16] Music was always part of the von Trapps’ life, even when they weren’t performing.
“I can remember times I’d be washing the pots and pans in the kitchen and my sister Hedwig had been cooking, and we’d start singing and harmonising, and then another family member would come and join us. And soon the guests would leave their tables and come into the kitchen to hear us sing,” says Johannes.
[17] He acknowledges that it has been hard at times to live alongside the Hollywood version of their life. “But I’ve come to grip with it,” he says.
“There were many years when I really was annoyed by it. But I’ve been so impressed by how many people say it’s been inspirational to them, that I put it on one side, in the public performance part of my life, and get on with my own life in private.” ■
“有好几年,我真是觉得很烦。但当我听到那么多人说影片鼓舞了他们时,我就非常欣慰,因此,我把它放到一边,公开演出时呈现给大家,其他时候就好好过我自己的日子。” □
(译者单位: 中华女子学院)
1. decorate 授给(某人)勋章(或奖章)。
2. come out 出版或发表。
3. 该隧道位于美国纽约州纽约市,从哈德孙河下穿过,连接纽约市的曼哈顿与新泽西州的泽西市。1920年开工,1927年完工通车,隧道设计者克利福德·密尔本·荷兰(Clifford Milburn Holland)在隧道完工前去世,因此以其姓命名以兹纪念。
4. roll in the aisles 笑得东倒西歪,乐不可支。
5. 捧腹大笑。
Actually. Adverb, mostly. When Sarah Miller declared war on literally over at The Awl, I argued that actually was worse, the "talk to the hand of the adverb community," or "the word that you use when you're actually saying, 'You are wrong, and I am right, and you are at least a little bit of an idiot.'" Actually, I still agree with that.
Artisanal. Adjective. I got rid of Artisanal this May, or at least I tried to, and I wrote him an obituary I thought he would appreciate—"Artisanal, a word that fought early in his career to ensure recognition of craftsmen for their important contributions to society before later being drafted into the creation of a worldwide gourmet branding glut, died Wednesday at his brownstone in Brooklyn overlooking a small gourmet mayonnaise store. At best estimates, he was approximately 474 years old." And yet ... he has the audacity to continue to pop up in cubicles. As related to NASA. On The Simpsons. In, yes, mayo. On pizza crusts, in another word form. Everywhere, including even in water. He is us and we are he. Like a character in a soap opera who turns out to have been living in a cave and plotting his revenge the whole time that his lover and arch nemesis thought he'd been "taken care of" by a biker gang off the coast of Newfoundland, Artisanal is not going away anytime soon, I fear. He'll probably live forever.
Baby Bump. Horrid compound noun. I just hate this twee term, I really do, which manages to be both infantalizing and depersonalizing to both baby bump and baby carrier. It's not a bump; that human woman is pregnant. (See T for more on twee).
Brogrammer. Noun. Our tech writer Rebecca Greenfield offers up her opinion on this one, which she sees as an issue with meaning rather than the specific formulation of letters: "The word itself isn't so horrible, though we're starting to get a little tired of the portmanteaux [see P for more on that]," she says. "But it describes the rise of a darker side of tech nerdism that makes us sad. While the phenomenon might not be as widespread as certain reports suggest, over the last year we've seen instances of sexism come out of that world that lead us to believe at least some Silicon Valley coders fall under this fratty programmer umbrella. Like, all the times tech companies have used 'bikini babes' in professional settings. Come on, guys."
花花码农。名词。我们的科技作家瑞贝卡·格林菲德有话说,她把这看成一件有含义的事儿,而不仅仅是字母组合:“这个词本身并不可怕,虽然我们已经对旅行箱(portmantaux,见P字部)有点厌倦了,” 她说,“但这个词描述了科技闷蛋暗黑面的崛起,这一面让我们伤感。虽然这个现象并不像有些报道说的那么普遍,在去年一年中,我们已经看到了性别歧视,以至于我们相信,至少有那么一些硅谷码农已经归入这类程序员的俱乐部。比如,科技公司总是在工作的时候说‘三点式宝贝’。拜托,男人们!”
Butt-chugging. Whatever you want it to be, really. This one from language columnist and linguist Ben Zimmer, who wrote in an email, "My candidate for worst word of the year is butt-chugging. It’s an unpleasant term for an unpleasant practice, which came to light when a member of the University of Tennessee’s Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity was hospitalized for alcohol poisoning." He explains further of this horrible term and its horrible logistical realities, "Reports said he had engaged in an alcohol enema, known in frat circles as butt-chugging. The student, through his lawyer, denied the butt-chugging charge, but in so doing made the slang term national news. I hope I never have to hear it again."
灌屁眼。你觉得是什么词就是什么词吧。这个词来自语言专栏作家和语言学家本·辛门的一封电邮:“我提名的年度最糟词语是‘灌屁眼’。这是一个关于一件恶心的事的恶心的词,起源自一个田纳西州大学Pi Kappa Alpha兄弟会的成员由于酒精中毒而入院。”他继续解释这个恐怖的词语和它所指的现实,“报告称,他被酒精灌肠,这在兄弟会圈中被称为‘灌屁眼’。该名学生,通过他的律师,否认了指控,但这样做确让这个词风行全国。我希望我再也不用听到这个词了。”
Curate. Verb. "I must say that no Internet buzzword irked me more this year than curate," explains The Atlantic Wire's Richard Lawson. "It's a reappropriated term that used to mean something good — putting lovely and interesting things in a museum! — but now denotes a technique of cobbling together preexisting web content and sharing it with readers/followers/whomever. In other words, linking to things. It's an awfully highfalutin term for something that many of us do every day, on Facebook and Twitter. Sharing links isn't some special skill or trade, but self-described curators, who rose to great power in 2012, are effectively asserting that it is."
Curvy. Adjective to describe female bodies. As writer and editor Lauren Bans recently pointed out in New York's The Cut, we appear to be at peak curviness, that is, in terms of using this word to describe the female form, whatever that form might be. Has curvy lost all meaning, and if it has, is this a bad thing? (Jezebel's Tracy Moore thinks it is a good thing, in fact.) I agree with Bans that curvy, whether celebratory or not, is falling into a kind of overused meaninglessness, which says more about editors and writers being a wee bit lazy and less about the word itself. But also, does one really need to tack such a word onto a photo of a woman who people can very well see for themselves is shaped the way in which she is? Isn't this consummate to pointing out that so-and-so wore a red dress, when so-and-so is clearly wearing a red dress? Then again, if we don't know what curvy means, maybe it's not, which curves us right back again to the meaninglessness in which the word is now immersed, like so many starlets gallivanting in the ocean waters in retro polka-dot bikinis, showing off their curves. Proposal: Let's use curvy to describe lines, not humans.
曲折。形容词,描述女性身体。作者兼编辑罗伦·班斯最近在纽约的The Cut上指出,我们好像已经到了使用这个词来形容女性形体——无论形体如何——的顶峰。曲折是否已经失去意义?如果是,是不是坏事?(《荡妇》的翠西·摩尔觉得这是件好事儿)我同意班斯的说法,“曲折”,无论是正说还是反说,都已经落入一种滥用的无意义之中,这更多地说明编辑和作者的懒惰,而非单词本身。不过,我们是不是真的需要把这个词钉在一张女人照片上,即使但凡看过这张照片的人都能知道她的曲线形状?难道当某某穿了一袭红裙的时候,直接说“某某穿了一袭红裙”还不够完满吗?如果我们不知道“曲折”是什么意思,那么这可能真的不够完满,这又把我们绕回到了这个词当下的无意义中,好像许多的三流女明星在海水里游荡,穿着复古波点比基尼,展露着她们的曲线。建议:让我们用曲折来描述线条,而非人。
Disrupt. Verb, but with noun and other forms. Developer and writer Matt Langer erupts on disrupt!: "Oh my god will someone PLEASE disrupt the disruptors already? This revolting word has got to go. Because while the past five years or so of startup mania has been insufferable and obnoxious and annoying it's all in all been generally innocuous, mostly just a bunch of well-capitalized B-school bros Ubering around and talking all this big game about 'changing the world' when all they're really doing is masquerading good old fashioned naked greed as some kind hopey-changey photo-sharing app, which: fine, whatever. But this disruption nonsense is actually a genuine, insidious problem, because it has engendered this fierce cult of Now, of The New, this influential school of VC evangelist types pedaling a wrecking ball mentality which dictates that anything not in the process of starting up ought to be kneecapped. Disruption isn't so much a business strategy anymore as it is a knowing sneer, the thinly veiled desire of the aspirationally 1% to just watch it all burn. It's the new first principle of business, which suggests the primary function of business anymore isn't to build things up but to tear them down. Disruption is now an end in itself, and no industry is safe when the sole moral obligation of the disruptor is to disrupt. And so it is that we get for-profit education. Or we get Farhad Manjoo trolling the entire literary world by saying it should celebrate the rise of Amazon and the death of the independent bookstore. And this is all CRAZY! Enough disrupting. Let's get back to 'doing business.'"
分拆。动词,有名词及其他形式。开发者和作者马特·兰格对“分拆”爆发了:“我的天啊,有没有人可以帮忙分拆那些分拆者?这个讨厌的词一定要消失。因为在过去的五年多里,小企业创业狂热是如此难以忍受和讨厌和烦人,这总体上无害,不过是一群资金充足的商学院学生四处兜售那些关于“改变世界”的大生意,虽然他们实际上在做的只是把古已有之的赤裸裸的贪婪粉饰为充满变革希望的照片分享应用程式。不管怎么说,这没问题。但这种胡说八道的分拆实际上是一个真实存在的阴谋,因为它产生了凶猛的关于“现在”、“新兴”的迷信。这种私募传道式的理论正驱动着破碎球机一般的心态,偏执地认为任何没有在开始过程中的事物都应该被击倒。分拆不再是一种商业策略,而成为了一种“我无所不知”的冷笑,成了那些抱着雄心壮志的1%要亲眼看它烧成灰烬的欲盖弥彰的欲望。那成了商业的新第一守则,它说商业的基本功能不再是建立什么,而是推翻拆卸。分拆已经成了分拆的目的,当分拆者唯一的道德义务就是分拆时,产业无一幸免。所以,事情其实是我们接受了逐利教育,或者我们让法哈德·曼约奥(Farhad Manjoo,目前世界上最强大的国家杂志《Fast Company》的科技专栏作家)反转整个文学世界,宣布其应为亚马逊的崛起和独立书店的死亡欢庆。这就是疯狂!分拆够了!我们得干点真正的商业。”
Ecosystem. Noun. Pity ecosystem, a case of what happens when good words fall in with a bad crowd. Rebecca Greenfield explains, "This reasonable science-related word has been co-opted by the tech writing community, which has senselessly ravaged it. The true meaning of the term translates to a 'biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.' As in, the place where living things live together. To tech writers, however, ecosystem involves a lot of non-living things that just happen to share characteristics. The Android ecosystem, the app ecosystem, the tablet ecosystem, the digital ecosystem, the start-up ecosystem — it's not like at the end of the day all the little gadgets go home to their gadget neighborhoods and hang out."
Epic. Adjective. Unless you're describing The Iliad or The Odyssey (and in a high school or college English class), choose anew, friends. Don't make me say this again in 2013.
Fiscal Cliff. Noun. Our Dashiell Bennett says, "The fiscal cliff is the worst kind of jargon because it's both inaccurate and unhelpful. America's economy won't suddenly plummet to the bottom of a crevasse on January 1, and even if it were going to, an imaginary rock formation doesn't teach anyone about how budgets are made. [The phrase] is a convenient way to scare people without actually having to tell them what they should be scared of — which is perfect for the majority of people who don't even understand the issues at stake and aren't particularly interested in learning."财政悬崖(Fiscal Cliff)。
Gaffe. Noun with political inclinations. From the Wire's Elspeth Reeve, gaffe is veering off a semantic cliff: "The definition of a gaffe has been broadened to any time a politician says something you can put in an headline and then write jokes about. A gaffe is a guaranteed two-post story — one on the original comment, and one on the follow-up comment explaining the comment. Reporters' excessive reliance on gaffes to make it through a slow news day was most apparent when a Washington Post reporter was caught on tape yelling across a parking lot to Mitt Romney, "WHAT ABOUT YOUR GAFFES?"
Glocal. Noun? Adjective? What is this, even? Get rid of this word "and all senseless tech start-up jargon because what does that even mean? Nobody knows. Not even the people who use it. Just stop it," says Greenfield.
Hashtag. Seriously, a proper noun askdljflasdjflasdjf;adjlkfa;. Did you hear the one about the parents who named their new baby Hashtag? Yeah, that's about enough of that.
Hehehe. The way a serial killer chuckles. This is a particular spelling of laughter which I personally cannot stand, mostly because it is so very creepy. Don't like LOL or ha ha ha, either? The Atlantic's Megan Garber can help.
呵呵呵。模拟连环杀人犯的窃笑。这是一种关于笑声的特别串字法,我个人没法接受,大概因为真的很恐怖。既不像LOL,又不像ha ha ha。本刊的梅根·加伯或许能帮上你。
Hipster. Noun. It's gotten so it's boring to decry this term, which makes it even sadder when we see it. Again with the meaninglessness as related to pervasiveness! And yet, it's a dig, too. How can that be? Writer Drew Magary adds, "Hipster has grown into such a widely used pejorative that it doesn't really mean anything anymore. You're just saying 'white person.'"
Historic, historical. Adjective. Dashiell Bennett speaks to the gross overuse of this word, saying, "Every election is historic. Technically, anything that ever happens can become history, so pundits really need to stop throwing this word around anytime they want to make something sound important. It's like that old saying: If everything is special, then nothing is."
INITIAL-WORDS. Usage type. This is not a word, per se, but instead something we do. Writer and "sometime televisualist" Kurt Loder brings it to our attention. "A continuing annoyance, not peculiar to this year, is the prevalence of such prissy formulations as 'the C word' and 'the N word,'" he explains. "When Bill Maher calls a woman a cunt in a public venue, or Quentin Tarantino makes a movie that is distinguished by its wall-to-wall use of the word nigger, these facts should be reported in a straightforward way, however un-PC they may be. I don’t know anyone who uses such words in day-to-day conversation, but we all know they exist. The coy C and N euphemisms (like the laughably juvenile F bomb) are an understandable alternative in family-oriented newspapers and magazines, and, I suppose, on broadcast television. But anyone over the age of, say, 12, likely knows what the letters stand for, and in more worldly outlets —like this one! — is unlikely to be traumatized by having them spelled out. Let’s be real."
INTERNET-HYPE WORDS. Expressions of "internet popularity." The New Yorker's Ben Greenman says, "I do not like words associated with internet popularity: viral, traffic, metrics, and similar examples. I don't like them because they're convulsive. They aim to describe an idea of phenomenon that is impersonally successful: something that reaches large numbers of people without necessarily forging strong relationships with any of them. And then, strangely, those words themselves circulate through the system in the same way as the phenomena they are describing. They are like bloodless blood. To be fair, I'm not sure the words themselves are the problem so much as the thoughts behind them, which suggest that many things are more important than quality and that skimming meaninglessly past the eyes of millions is more important than settling meaningfully into the minds of a few."
Jeah. Expression of douchey enthusiasm. Drew Magary explains: "So Jeah ... Jeah is the 'Jayden' of catchphrases. Ryan Lochte took a normal word ("Yeah") and then EXTREEMIFIED 50% by subbing the J. Jeah makes me despise the idea of affirming anything. I don't want to be here when he coins Xamesome and Zadical."
Kony. Proper noun. Grantland's Rembert Browne traces the evolution of this one for us: "I don't think there's a word that has had so many different life cycles and connotations in one year as the word Kony. The word, the last name of Joseph Kony, the Ugandan leader responsible for numerous war crimes, was virtually unknown in the mainstream andscape in the beginning of 2012. Then, in March, it became the name of a viral movement, KONY, aimed at taking him down, headed by director Jason Russell. At this point, the word KONY was everywhere. And while the word was a bad thing (the last name of a ruthless leader), the word became word for good (stopping the ruthless dictator). The point of KONY was to stop Kony. But then, a few weeks later, the San Diego police found Russell naked in the street, interfering with traffic, appearing to have completely snapped. And the video of that became the new KONY video. It was at that point that KONY became something bad again, or more a joke of a phrase than an important movement. The buildup to April 20, the date at which all of those around the world that supported KONY were supposed to band together, had been deflated and while not completely dead, the movement was all but over some three weeks after it started. Both KONY and Kony still exist, but as the year comes to a close, both are approaching their pre-2012 levels of importance within the American landscape, which is, again, very little."
Legitimate rape. Adjective-noun clause. "Missouri Rep. Todd Akin used this term in August to explain that in for-real rapes, women can't get pregnant because their bodies reject rapist sperm, and it's the major reason he was unable to defeat Sen. Claire McCaskill in November," remembers Elspeth Reeve. "Akin eventually apologized for both the word legitimate and the fake science. But if you've ever hung out in a frat house or military barracks, you know that he was voicing a common sentiment — that some women 'cry rape' to get back at their boyfriends or husbands. Akin himself suggested that as a state legislator in 1991, when he said he warned a marital rape statute might be used 'in a real messy divorce as a tool and a legal weapon to beat up on the husband.'" Alas, Akin's defeat doesn't mean the phrase and the sentiment behind it haven't continued to exist, though.
Meggings. Noun. These are "men's tights" and worse than men wearing tights (let 'em wear what they like, we say!) is the horrifying proliferation of the word meggings to describe tights worn by men. One small up-side is that meggings make jeggings sound rather lovely, actually.
Nostalgia. Existential noun. Village Voice web editor Nick Greene waxes nostalgic on nostalgia. "A long time ago, nostalgia was thought to be a medical condition, something so powerful it could cause pyrexic fits or even death. Once people realized you couldn't actually bite the big one from nostalgia, it still was classified as a type of depression. Nowadays, nostalgia is a cheap throwaway word that has lost all its clinical power; it's used to define a trivial pining, be it for a television show cancelled 7 months ago or a broad, complicated construct like the '90s. And if you think I am being nostalgic for the former usage of nostalgia, then you are part of the problem."
怀旧。存在主义名词。Village Voice网站编辑尼克·格林尼用“怀旧的情怀”给“怀旧”上光。“很久很久以前,怀旧被认为是一种病,它是如此强大以至于能引起热病甚至死亡。一旦人们发现你因为怀旧而胃口不好,你也会被归类为抑郁。现在,怀旧是一个廉价的被遗忘的词,它已经没有了临床价值,而是用于定义一种琐碎的渴望,可能是一个七个月没播的电视节目,或者一种广大复杂的构建,比如90后。如果你觉得我对于过去对“怀旧”的使用产生了怀旧的情怀,那么,你也是有问题的人之一。”
October. Noun, month, alleged friend of Drake. While I like this month and the sound of it, our Connor Simpson does not. He says, specifically, his dislike is for "October, as occupied by Drake. He calls himself 'October's very own' and it's the stupidest thing ever. Also the month. October is the first official, real month of fall, and fall is not summer. October is a close second to February as the worst month."
Organically. Adverb. Did you think of those thoughts all in your own brain? And in doing so, did you dub whatever emerged as having come to you organically? This is a pretentious word that too often means one is avoiding the effort it takes to come up with a word that means what one really intends it to mean.
Ping. Verb. Gizmodo's Sam Biddle despises this word, saying "I hate ping because it means the exact same thing as contact. There's no difference between ping and contact. But when we say ping, we can pretend like we're in a scene from The Social Network, when in fact we're just regular idiots like everyone else. It's also too ambiguous—if someone asks me to ping them, do I text, call, ring a bell in their face? I hate ambiguity in language." Do not ping me. Do not dare.
电。动词。Gizmodo公司的山姆·比德尔蔑视这个词,他说,“我讨厌它因为它跟联络是一个意思。这个两个词之间没有任何差别。但当我们说电的时候,我们装得好像我们正在《社交网络》的某个场景里,可是实际上,我们只是跟其他人一样的标准白痴。而且这个词太模糊了——如果某人让我去电他们,我应该发短信呢,打电话呢,还是直接按门铃呢?我不喜欢语焉不详。” 不要电我。你敢!
Plus-one (+1). Vote of digital support. This one from The Atlantic's social media editor Chris Heller, who believes that "+1" is the scourge of Twitter. "You can't go far without seeing the filthy little thing attached to puns, hashtag games, and all the other sorts of frivolous ephemera," he says. "It's a lazy acknowledgement that someone out there did something entertaining, but it's also a not-so-ironic admission that we're all stuck in the same sad, sorry game of 'personal brands' and egotistical nonsense. Nobody's counting your stupid Internet points. Stop the '+1' menace."
PORTMANTEAUXING. Usage type. Not all portmanteauxing is bad, just like not all portmanteaus are bad. But simply smashing two words together and thinking it's all funny and brilliant and original, that's a word-making style whose shark has been jumped (shumped?) in 2012.
Quinoa. Healthy food noun. And yet, at the same time, unknown! New York's Stefan Becket says, "I'm not a fan of quinoa. I'm not entirely clear what it actually is and I have no idea what it tastes like, but it sounds like some bland hipster thing."
Really?! Expression of incredulity. The New York Times' Neil Genzlinger decided people were saying really? too much on television, and wrote about it. Jerry Seinfeld decided Neil Genzlinger's piece was "so deeply vacuous that I couldn’t help but feel that you have stepped into my area of expertise," and responded in a letter to the New York Times with numerous Reallys? of his own. This was all fun and games, an afternoon of amusement, but, really? Are we still saying really? We really are, apparently.
"Retweets are not endorsements." Banal assertion. I agree with Cord Jefferson that this phrasing is deplorable and should be erased from our collective word consciousness.
Selfies. Plural noun. It's the sound of this word that bugs me so much. But also, what is a selfy? It seems ominous and vaguely perverse, so you don't really want to know, but then you do, and it doesn't really matter what it is because it turns out it's rather boring, in fact. And yet that word, which stands for taking pictures of oneself, hilariously, is so meta and navel-gazing that it would very nearly be perfect if we didn't dislike it so very much.
Slacks. Noun used by our elders. Personally, I don't mind this word and in fact rather like it (not that I own any of my own) but the New Yorker voted to ban it for a brief time this year, so we're including it for posterity.
Sustainable. Adjective. Drew Magary weighs in again: "As for sustainable... I don't care. I really don't. Sustainable is the kind of word that ends up being co-opted and used by everyone to the point where it means nothing (See: Organic). I don't believe anyone when they tell me their food is sustainable. I think half of them lie just so they can convince me they didn't buy their chicken breast at the local Key Food. Sustainable is just an invitation for hipsters to lie."
TLDR. Acronym used by the weary and disaffected. The shortening of several words that are admittedly difficult to concentrate long enough to spell out, this is my vote for the Internet's worst comment, and it means Too Long, Didn't Read. (Thanks for commenting, though!)
TLDR。令人厌倦的和满腹牢骚的人用的首字母缩略语。这是几个被公认太难集中足够久的精神去拼写出来的词的缩略,这是我认为的今年网络最糟评论,它的意思是“太长,没读”(Too Long, Didn't Read)。(无论如何,谢谢你的评语!)
Twee. Wee wittle 'dorable adjective. Among the twee-haters there is New York's Stefan Becket, who says, "My first thought is always that it's supposed to be tweet, and then I'm disappointed when it ends up describing something terrible," he says. Related: the twee-est word relating to tweeting is tweeps, which I cannot stand. Love the people, hate the name.
矫情。可爱的小形容词。纽约的史蒂芬·贝克特是这个词的厌恶者之一, “我的第一反应是这个词应该是‘推’(tweet),可是我失望了,因为它其实在形容一种很糟糕的东西,”他说。相关:关于“推”最矫情的词就是“推特人”(tweeps),我完全受不了。喜爱这些人,讨厌这名称。
Ugh. Guttural sound to denote unpleasant emotion. A powerful word, true, because it makes one feel exactly what it is, but every time I see this one I feel a little bit crankier. Can't we muster legitimate words for human expression? Ugh. I guess not.
Vagina. Noun. Esquire's Ross McCammon calls out the way people have been using this word for the female anatomy as a punchline or joke. He says, "No word has been more abused this year. It's persisted as an easy punchline on bad sitcoms. The vagina is many things but it shouldn't be the butt of a joke. Then it appears as the title of Naomi Wolf's book, which gets widely mocked. Tough year for vagina."
Whatever Whatever. An expression we are using, apparently. Francesca Stabile, who works in the music industry (where such expressions run amok!), explains, "If the brains behind @SeinfeldToday wanted an update to the Yada Yada Yada episode they'd be smart to choose this latest verbal tick (that is, if their internet shelf life hasn't expired already, which I'm afraid it might have). I've noticed it more and more as a way of glossing over the boring parts of a tale or rendering something unimportant, but while yada yada yada was more amiable and had excellent mouthfeel, whatever whatever comes off as supremely dismissive."
X. Usage type. Spelling anything with just an X when it should be spelled out. Like, X-cellent. X-citing. X-uberant. X-it. As seen in tXt messgs.
YOLO. Soul-searching, soul-sucking acronym. YOLO is probably the most disliked word among the groups I surveyed for this post. Merriam-Webster's Kory Stamper says it best, prefacing her opinion with this disclaimer: "As a lexicographer, I must withhold judgment on any word, either established or in-the-making. Words are raw materials and each has its place and purpose; some people find eggs to be slimy and gross, yet they will happily eat them when they're incorporated into a cake. Even moist, which seems to get the brunt of the word-hate, has its place."
YOLO-haters, hang in there, there's a but! "But lexicographers are human, and humans have deeply felt emotions and opinions (or so I'm told)," she continues. "So speaking as a human, I'm pretty over YOLO, particularly when used by my kids in answer to 'Why haven't you done [tedious chore] yet?' Intellectually, I recognize that YOLO is a perfectly fine initialism and may gain enough currency and longevity in print to merit entry into one of our dictionaries — but the heart wants what it wants. My apologies to Drake, apparent coiner of YOLO, and Ben Zimmer, my favorite YOLO apologist."
讨厌YOLO的人,别急,这里还有个“但是”呢!“但是词典编纂者都讨厌YOLO,人都有深刻的情绪和观点(至少我是这么听说的),” 她继续说,“所以从一个人的角度出发,我很不喜欢YOLO,尤其是我的孩子们用这个词来回答‘你为什么还没做(那些无聊的功课)?’的时候。我认同YOLO是一个完全没问题的缩略词,可能还在出版物上有足够的普及率和使用寿命使得它应被我们的词典收纳——可是感觉就是感觉。我得向德雷克道歉,他是YOLO的缔造者,还有本·辛门,我最喜欢的YOLO的捍卫者。”
Zero, Inbox. State of email-being. NYU Local editor and Gawker writer Myles Tanzer closes us out for the year with this one, which has been the cause of some discussion on this very site recently. Spoiler: He hates it. "Zero, as in inbox zero, is really pathetic. For those fortunate ones who are blissfully ignorant to 2012's worst humblebrag, inbox zero is the process of getting your unread emails down to nil to ensure you have a more stable existence," he says. "Most email scrubbers tweet 'inbox zero!' to the world when they are done with their chore, which has all the charms of a toothless first grader tugging at his mom's pant leg and wailing, 'I cleaned my room!' By subscribing to the compulsive impulse to get away from the junk in our inboxes, you're you're committing the worst sin of 2012 — letting technology control your life. A real Internet pro works seamlessly with the messiness that comes with being glued to the screen. Also, the concept of inbox zero is a slippery slope that strikes fear into my heart. Is outbox zero the next thing that we deem necessary to brag about? Is there an impending movement to show off that all of your scheduled Tumblr posts for the day have autoposted? Where does the clutter clearance end? In 2013, I'd like to see less showboating about the way we shoo away emails like dirty flies and more tweets showcasing our inboxes being filled to capacity. Inbox one million has a way better ring to it, anyways."
收件箱(0)。邮件状态。纽约大学本地编辑和掴客写手迈尔斯·谭泽用这个词来结束我们今年的词选,这引发了本站最近不少讨论。剧透:他讨厌这个词。“零,收件箱零,是如此病态。对于那些有幸忽略了2012最糟的假谦虚的人,收件箱(0)是一个把未读邮件减到无的过程,以保证你存在得更稳定,”他说,“大多数邮件过滤器会向全世界提醒‘收件箱(0)!’,当它们完成自己的工作,就像一个牙都没长齐的一年级生拉着他妈妈的裤腿大叫,‘我清洁了我的房间!’ 通过订阅这种冲击来远离收件箱中的垃圾邮件,你是在犯2012年最差的罪——让技术控制你的生活。一个真正的互联网专家是跟混乱的桌面合作得天衣无缝的。而且,收件箱(0)的概念是一个大斜坡,让恐惧灌进我的内心。我们真的要吹嘘收件箱(0)这件事儿吗?是不是将有一场运动让我们去炫耀今天所有安排好了的轻博客帖子都已经自动发出去了?要把杂乱清初到哪里算完?在2013年,我希望看到少一点卖弄,关于我们如何把邮件像脏苍蝇那样清理掉,而更多关于我们的邮箱如何满载的自豪。收件箱一百万更好。”
All in all, it was a very good (bad?) word year.
Disclaimer: Simply because a word appears above does not mean we will cease to use it. That's just the way the word world works.