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莎剧译选和比读:Are there such? such are not&nb ...


Are there such? such are not we: praise us as we
are tasted, allow us as we prove; our head shall go
bare till merit crown it: no perfection in reversion
shall have a praise in present: we will not name 90
desert before his birth, and, being born, his addition
shall be humble. Few words to fair faith: Troilus
shall be such to Cressid as what envy can say worst
shall be a mock for his truth, and what truth can
speak truest not truer than Troilus. 95



梁实秋 译:



朱生豪 译:
果然有这样的怪物吗? 我可不是这样。请您考验了我以后,再来估计我的价值吧;当我没有用行为证明我的爱情以前,我是不愿戴上胜利的荣冠的。一个人要继承产业,在没有到手之前不必得意:出世以前,谁也无从断定一个人的功绩,并且,一旦出世,他的名位也不会太高。为了真心的爱,让我简单讲一两句话。特洛伊罗斯将会向克瑞西达证明,一切出于恶意猜嫉的诽谤,都不足以诬蔑他的忠心;真理所能宣说的最真实的言语,也不会比特洛伊罗斯的爱情更真实。

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