尚书 The Book of History -- 《洪范-- Great Plan》(James Legge 英译)(5)
洪范: 七、稽疑:择建立卜筮人,乃命十筮。曰雨,曰霁,曰蒙,曰驿,曰克,曰贞,曰悔,凡七。卜五,占用二,衍忒。立时人作卜筮,三人占,则从二人之言。汝则有大疑,谋及乃心,谋及卿士,谋及庶人,谋及卜筮。汝则从,龟从,筮从,卿士从,庶民从,是之谓大同。身其康强,子孙其逢,汝则从,龟从,筮从,卿士逆,庶民逆吉。卿士从,龟从,筮从,汝则逆,庶民逆,吉。庶民从,龟从,筮从,汝则逆,卿士逆,吉。汝则从,龟从,筮逆,卿士逆,庶民逆,作内吉,作外凶。龟筮共违于人,用静吉,用作凶。
Great Plan: vii. 'Seventh, of the (means for the) examination of doubts. Officers having been chosen and appointed for divining by the tortoise-shell and the stalks of the Achillea, they are to be charged (on occasion) to execute their duties. (In doing this), they will find (the appearances of) rain, of clearing up, of cloudiness, of want of connexion, and of crossing; and the inner and outer diagrams. In all (the indications) are seven;--five given by the shell, and two by the stalks; and (by means) of these any errors (in the mind) may be traced out. These officers having been appointed, when the divination is proceeded with, three men are to interpret the indications, and the (consenting) words of two of them are to be followed. When you have doubts about any great matter, consult with your own mind; consult with your high ministers and officers; consult with the common people; consult the tortoise-shell and divining stalks. If you, the shell, the stalks, the ministers and officers, and the common people, all agree about a course, this is what is called a great concord, and the result will be the welfare of your person and good fortune to your descendants. If you, the shell, and the stalks agree, while the ministers, and officers, and the common people oppose, the result will be fortunate. If the ministers and officers, with the shell and stalks, agree, while you and the common people oppose, the result will be fortunate. If the common people, the shell, and the stalks agree, while you, with the ministers and officers, oppose, the result will be fortunate. If you and the shell agree. while the stalks, with the ministers and officers, and the common people, oppose, internal operations will be fortunate, and external undertakings unlucky. When the shell and stalks are both opposed to the views of men, there will be good fortune in being still, and active operations will be unlucky.'