英语口语、习惯语、经典语录5000句(128) 1271. You are defined by what you do, not by what you say. 是你的行为而不是你的言语在揭示着你的为人。A company is defined by its product, not by its commercial. 一个公司的好坏是由其产品而不是由其广告所决定的。define...
View Article英语口语、习惯语、经典语录5000句(129)
英语口语、习惯语、经典语录5000句(129) 1281. If you want to keep open your opportunities of moving up in the company, then you should not complain too much. 如果你想要在公司有晋升的机会,就不要老抱怨。见第977句。 1282. Chinese medicine...
View Article英语口语、习惯语、经典语录5000句(130)
英语口语、习惯语、经典语录5000句(130) 1291. Zhang Yimou’s new film is undoubtedly the most wildly over-praised film of the year; a work of insipid turns, embarrassing...
View Article《古代寓言 对牛弹琴》(中英对照)
公明仪为牛弹清角之操,伏食如故,非牛不闻,不合其耳矣。转为蚊虻之声,孤牍之鸣,即掉尾,奋耳、蹀躞而听。 ——《牟子》 Playing the Harp to an Ox One day Gong Mingyi, the celebrated musician, was playing an elegant tune on his harp to amuse a...
View Article孟浩然《广陵别薛八》英译
士有不得志,栖栖吴楚间。 广陵相遇罢,彭蠡泛舟还。 樯出江中树,波连海上山。 风帆明日远,何处更追攀。 Hans H. Frankel 译: Seeing Off the Eighth Son of the Hsüe Clan at Kuang-ling Meng Haoran There is a man who hasn’t reached his goal, And moves...
View ArticleJulia Ward Howe -- Battle Hymn of  ...
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord: He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored; He hath loosed the fatal lightning of his terrible swift sword: His...
View Article[转载]世界文坛巨匠林语堂
原文地址:世界文坛巨匠林语堂作者:文学世界 林语堂 现代以来,中国文学界与文化界名人不少,但是能够在世界上有广泛影响的并不多,林语堂就是这少数闻名世界的“两脚踏中西文化、一心评宇宙文章”的代表人物。 林语堂(1895—1976),是那种“能够整个人对时代起反应”的特立独行者。也正因此,他的作品无论在现代中国文学、文化史上,或在现代世界文学与文化史上,都占有引人注目的地位。...
View Article英语口语、习惯语、经典语录5000句(131)
英语口语、习惯语、经典语录5000句(131) 1301. How does he feel about being stormed by out-of-control paparazzi at an event for his new movie? 在新片发行时,肆无忌惮的狗崽队对他进行了穷追猛打,他对此有什么感受呢?paparazzi...
View Article英语口语、习惯语、经典语录5000句(132)
英语口语、习惯语、经典语录5000句(132) 1311. The higher you climb, the harder you fall. 爬得越高,摔得越惨。我们中文也有这样的说法。The higher you climb, the more that you see. 站得高,看得远。'The higher you climb, the colder it gets. 高处不胜寒。...
View Article英语口语、习惯语、经典语录5000句(133)
英语口语、习惯语、经典语录5000句(133) 1321. You can run, but you cannot hide. 你可以逃,但不能躲。(比喻即使失败也比不应战要强。) 1322. You have to go into the lion’s den if you want to succeed. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子?英语不说tiger's den, 而是the...
View Article英语口语、习惯语、经典语录5000句(134)
英语口语、习惯语、经典语录5000句(134) 1331. I will not vote for the lesser of two evils, because at the end of the day, you’re still voting for evil.我不会把票投给小魔鬼,因为到头来,你仍旧是在给魔鬼投票。choose the lesser of two evils...
View Article英语口语、习惯语、经典语录5000句(135)
英语口语、习惯语、经典语录5000句(135) 1341. He is a crude sort of chap, but he flies the flag for us.这个家伙是不怎么样,但他是我们这一边的人。an old chap 老家伙。fly the flag for 是谁一边的人。 1342. Opportunity knocks for every man, but...
View Article张先《菩萨蛮 玉人又是》英译
玉人又是匆匆去, 马蹄何处垂杨路? 残日倚楼时, 断魂郎未知。 阑干移倚遍, 薄幸教人怨。 明月却多情, 随人处处行。 许渊冲 译: Buddhist Dancers Zhang Xian So soon, so soon my lord left me again. Where trots his steed on willow-shaded lane? I go upstairs...
View Article米芾《西江月 秋兴》英译
溪面荷香粲粲, 林端远岫青青。 楚天秋色太多情, 云卷烟收风定。 夜静冰娥欲上, 梦回醉眼初醒。 玉瓶未耻有新声, 一曲请君来听。 许渊冲 译: The Moon over the West River Autumn Mi Fu The lotus on the creek spreads fragrance far and nigh; Above the green,...
View Article吴西逸《天净沙 闲题 楚云飞满》英译
《元曲》英译欣赏 吴西逸《天净沙 闲题 楚云飞满》 楚云飞满长空, 湘江不断流东。 何事离多恨冗? 夕阳低送, 小楼数点残鸿。 周方珠 译: An Idle Inscription To the Tune of Sky-clear Sand Wu Xiyi Over the Chu State clouds are drifting across the sky, The...
View Article陆游《雨》英译
映空初作茧丝微,掠地俄成箭镞飞。 纸帐光迟饶晓梦,铜炉香润复春衣。 池鱼鲅鲅随沟去,梁燕翩翩发翅归。 惟有落花吹不去,数枝红湿自相依。 中国文学出版社 编译: Rain Lu You A glimmer in the air like threads of silk, Then, of a sudden, barbed shafts strike the ground; Dark...
View Article孙逖《宿云门寺阁》英译
香阁东山下,烟花象外幽。 悬灯千嶂夕,卷幔五湖秋。 画壁余鸿雁,纱窗宿斗牛。 更疑天路近,梦与白云游。 刘重德 译: Stay Overnight at Yunmen Temple (1) Sun Ti The temple stands on the slope of the Eastern Hill (2); As fair as fairyland are the views...
View Article[转载]《四书五经》全文朗读
原文地址:《四书五经》全文朗读作者:fang《四书五经》全文朗读作者:白云出岫 己完成一遍录音的内容,欢迎指正 《大学》[礼记本]100918.mp3 13.3MB 《大学》[朱子本100119].mp3 13.1MB 《大学》[正蒙教育版]081106.mp3 13.9MB 《中庸》[100116].mp3 27MB 《中庸》[正蒙教育版]081107.mp3 28.7MB...
View Article[转载][转载]傲立雄踞 千姿武夷
原文地址:[转载]傲立雄踞 千姿武夷作者:绿岛小夜曲 [转载]傲立雄踞 千姿武夷 作者:弥勒内院看门人 青春就应该这样绽放 游戏测试:三国时期谁是你最好的兄弟!! 你不得不信的星座秘密
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